axel358 / smartdock

A user-friendly desktop mode launcher that offers a modern and customizable user interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ability to terminate app tasks #123

Open Vosjedev opened 7 months ago

Vosjedev commented 7 months ago

Hi! I am using smart dock on both my tablet and my phone, but I am missing something. I would like a close button to close apps (as if I swiped one up in the recent apps menu). I guess this would only work with root, but for me this is not a problem. This removes the need of the recent apps button/menu (and its non-mouse friendly way of using it) completely.

axel358 commented 7 months ago

@Vosjedev It's a known limitation. There's no public API to terminate app tasks and there isn't a command either. Both am force-stop and am stack remove commands terminate apps without calling onDestroy so apps don't get a chance to clean up wich might result in data loss

Vosjedev commented 7 months ago

Then simulate the user pressing the recent apps button and swiping it away via the accessability service as if the user just did it... Is there really no option to call the same things as the recent apps menu? That would be really bad android design (although that would not surprise me)...