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Can't get the sendToken in axelarjs working #112

Closed utkarshdagoat closed 2 months ago

utkarshdagoat commented 2 months ago
import { AxelarAssetTransfer, CHAINS, Environment, SendTokenParams } from "@axelar-network/axelarjs-sdk";
import { ethers, Wallet } from "ethers";

const api = new AxelarAssetTransfer({ environment: Environment.TESTNET });

const getSigner = () => {
  const privateKey = PRIVATE_KEY;
  return new Wallet(privateKey);

async function test() {
  const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
  const signer = getSigner().connect(provider);
  const requestOptions: SendTokenParams = {
    destinationAddress: "osmo1x3z2vepjd7fhe30epncxjrk0lehq7xdqe8ltsn",
    asset: { symbol: "aUSDC" },
    amountInAtomicUnits: "5000000",
    options: {
      evmOptions: {
        txOptions: null as any,
        approveSendForMe: true,
  return api.sendToken(requestOptions);

Using this always give the following error image Even if I put in the gasfees parameters I always get insufficent funds while my wallet is topped with both sepolia ETH (around 1) and aUSDC(around 5)