Closed leopashov closed 5 months ago
In the failed case I used:
interchainTokenFactory.deployRemoteCanonicalInterchainToken( EvmChain.SEPOLIA, "0x1E26B3373B0349d5C3b45e1bbFe66C8581eAecf6", EvmChain.POLYGON_SEPOLIA, fee, { value: fee } );
Where fee
was calculated using the AxelarQueryAPI({environment: Environment.TESTNET }) estimateGasFee
Using polygon-amoy
instead of EvmChain.POLYGON_SEPOLIA
Error: Invalid chain identifier for polygon-amoy. Did you mean polygon?
Is polygon-amoy just not supported?
I've had a similar issue once, which was resolved by passing in a gasLimit
to the transaction when calling this. POLYGON_SEPOLIA is polygon amoy, sorry that needs to get fixed I will call it out.
What value are you passing in for the fee
I am using the following to calculate the fee:
`export function calculateBridgeFee(
sourceChain: EvmChain | string,
destChain: EvmChain | string,
options: {
gasLimit?: number;
} = {}
) {
const api = new AxelarQueryAPI({ environment: Environment.TESTNET });
const { gasLimit } = options;
return api.estimateGasFee(sourceChain, destChain, gasLimit || 700000, "auto");
I have tried calling this with;
const fee = await calculateBridgeFee(sourceChain, destChain, { gasLimit: 30000000, });
ie 30*10^6 gas limit (and have tried higher aswell) but no difference in outcome. Still working fine for the other chain cases.
I mean pass in a gasLimit
when you're calling the deployRemoteCanonicalToken()
, you pass in a value right now but no gasLimit
. Let's not worry about the fee being passed in right now. If you're on testnet feel free to pass in arbitrarily high value (a surplus will be refunded back to you). I just want to see right now if we can get a tx without a revert
deployRemoteCanonicalInterchainToken( sourceChain, tokenAddress, destChain, fee, {value: fee, gasLimit: "10000000" } )
That also didn't help. For reference, the fee it gave was 113353502617703, The tx reverted again and is here:
It also seems there's a message relating to 'untrustedChain' in the tenderly logs:
Hey @leopashov Just confirmed. ITS is not live yet on Amoy (polygon-sepolia
) I think the team wants to get it deployed there in the next week or two but that's why you're receiving that error. I suggest going forward just to test on different testnets to make sure your logic is working correctly. And ITS should be working on polygon mainnet
Understood, many thanks
I'm running a script very similar to
I am deploying a token on ethereum sepolia, registering it as a canonical interchain token, calculating bridge fee and then trying to deployRemoteCanonicalInterchainToken using:
deployRemoteCanonicalInterchainToken( sourceChain, tokenAddress, destChain, fee, { value: fee } );
At this point it errors with:
ProviderError: execution reverted
The same script works fine for deploying the same token to base-sepolia, blast-sepolia and arbitrum-sepolia. Is there something fundamentally different with polygon that explains this behaviour?Many thanks in advance.