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sendToken() error from scroll to base: Fail with Custom Error 'TokenDoesNotExist (symbol=AI) #121

Closed deandreee closed 3 months ago

deandreee commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to send token from scroll to base, the tx gets submitted, but fails with an status error Fail with Custom Error 'TokenDoesNotExist (symbol=AI)'

Example here

Here's the params I'm using:

const requestOptions: SendTokenParams = {
    destinationAddress: wallet.address,
    asset: { symbol: "AI" },
    amountInAtomicUnits: "1",
    options: {
      evmOptions: {
        signer: wallet,
        provider: rpc,
        txOptions: {
          gasLimit: utils.hexlify(100000),
        approveSendForMe: true,

The token exists and supports both chains, as you can see on

Also, I'm getting the same error with other tokens e.g. AXL

Olanetsoft commented 3 months ago

Hello @deandreee, Thank you for reaching out. Tokens created by Interchain Token Service differ from tokens on the gateway asset.

For cross-chain tokens, there are three options available:

The sendToken() to send a token on any Axelar-supported source chain to a recipient on any Axelar-supported destination chain. Transfer assets using a deposit address generated with the AxelarJS SDK or you build your own Interchain Token if your token is not natively supported.

So, if you want to send an AI token, you can do it directly from the ITS portal on testnet or mainnet or programmatically do the interchain transfer. Could you take a look at this doc?

Let me know if that helps.