axelarnetwork / tofn

A threshold cryptography library in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Use session nonce as another layer of domain separation in the zk proofs #186

Open milapsheth opened 2 years ago

milapsheth commented 2 years ago

To prevent further message replayability of GG20 protocol messages, we should add the session nonce as another layer of domain separation to the challenge computation of all the zk proofs. This could be done after switching to the new NIZK trait from #163 to avoid passing session nonce to every zk proof as an argument.

milapsheth commented 2 years ago

Since we want domain separation for the zk proofs in the sign protocol, we should use a session nonce that's unique between each sign execution.

sdaveas commented 2 years ago

We should use the sign UID from protobuf which we currently ignore (need confirmation from axelar-core team that it's indeed unique across signs).

Unless we don't want tofn to rely on the caller for domain separation.