axelarnetwork / tofn

A threshold cryptography library in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Update dependencies april 2022 #203

Closed thor314 closed 2 years ago

thor314 commented 2 years ago

Need to clean up a bit more, but this is the bulk of it. We haven't swapped out Axelar's k256_serde yet, but that's what I was going to to next.

big question: I made a change to the normalize_s error handling. It looks like the dependency method changed. I don't understand what normalize_s is doing, but the change I made passes tests. Could someone verify the change?

thor314 commented 2 years ago

Also, noticed that sha3 is sparsely used and sha2 is heavily used, though they look to be similar dependencies. Can I ask why?

thor314 commented 2 years ago

noting that I silenced some clippy lints about large size differentials in several enums.

thor314 commented 2 years ago

Closing this, resubmitting as #204, which is cleaner