axelerant / drupal-quality-checker

Pre-commit code quality checker for Drupal based projects.
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Consider using Phive to bring in dependencies #12

Open hussainweb opened 3 years ago

hussainweb commented 3 years ago

Some of the tools we use require conflicting dependencies which makes it difficult to use the latest or even supported versions of these tools. For example, the latest release of PHPCPD is version 6 but only PHPCPD 4 may be installed on a Drupal 8 site (because of Symfony dependencies). This is even more of a problem because GrumPHP has broken support for PHPCPD 4. This means that the version of PHPCPD that gets installed for Drupal 8 does not work at all. We can't change the constraints or this entire package will stop working for Drupal 8. The only options are to ignore the error or remove the dependency on PHPCPD.

Phive lets us avoid all of these problems by installing the PHAR versions of the tools rather than through composer. This keeps the project free of these dependencies. The problem is that this requires users to install another tool (Phive) and also an extra step to run phive install after installing dependencies through composer.

rajeshreeputra commented 6 months ago

Can we consider phpstan as phpcpd replacement.