axemclion / grunt-saucelabs

Grunt task for running all your browser tests using Sauce Labs
MIT License
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Error closing tunnel #187

Closed alexan closed 9 years ago

alexan commented 9 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to get jasmine working. But everytime I get the following output

Running "saucelabs-jasmine:all" (saucelabs-jasmine) task
=> Starting Tunnel to Sauce Labs
=> Stopping Tunnel to Sauce Labs
>> Error closing tunnel

here is my config:

'saucelabs-jasmine': {
         all: {
            options: {
               username: 'username', // if not provided it'll default to ENV SAUCE_USERNAME (if applicable)
               key: 'key', // if not provided it'll default to ENV SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY (if applicable)
               urls: [''],
               browsers: [{
                  browserName: 'chrome'
                  }, {
                  browserName: 'internet explorer',
                  platform: 'Windows 2012',
                  version: '10'

I'm using jasmine 2 with jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmine.JSReporter2());`` andjasmine.getJSReport ()` gives me an output. Any hints on what I am doing wrong?

Jonahss commented 9 years ago

Huh, no idea. Check out tasks/saucelabs.js, we use the sauce-tunnel npm module there. Maybe running that yourself, or with verbose logging on can highlight the issue.

alexan commented 9 years ago

this was an issue with my loggin data