axemclion / jquery-indexeddb

An IndexedDB Plugin for Jquery.
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Added fallback if onupgradeneeded is not available (UNTESTED) #1

Closed juzerali closed 12 years ago

juzerali commented 12 years ago

I have put comments wherever I have made changes but didn't get a chance to test. Please check and confirm.

axemclion commented 12 years ago

I was working on something similar, but wanted to put all the set version code in one place Reopening the pull request as it is still not merged. Thnx for the request, will make sure that the tests run with this and pull it into the repo over the weekend.

juzerali commented 12 years ago

Be careful before pulling. It is not working on my local. I am not sure what I have missed.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Parashuram N <


I was working on something similar, but wanted to put all the set version code in one place Reopening the pull request as it is still not merged. Thnx for the request, will make sure that the tests run with this and pull it into the repo over the weekend.

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Regards, Juzer Ali

juzerali commented 12 years ago

Hey what's the update on this? Did you test it?

axemclion commented 12 years ago

Tried testing it, but for some reason, the database remains open, causing other transactiosn to fail. Looks like this solution does not seem to gel with a page open on multiple tabs. Still working on a way to get around that.

juzerali commented 12 years ago

I had made an erronous variable reference, corrected it. Still not sure if it is working.

axemclion commented 12 years ago

Fixed it in SHA:99ee4ff8a210f57085b3fc3dfa0b63c81e05bdd0