axemclion / jquery-indexeddb

An IndexedDB Plugin for Jquery.
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Minified version of script writes to console #32

Closed jcamins closed 11 years ago

jcamins commented 11 years ago

This is a rather odd issue. I downloaded the minified and non-minified files from the dist/ directory on the master branch earlier today (last commit 532c7332d6dad1770e05dcefdf36d2db46cd3301). When I load 240k records into an IndexedDB database on Chrome 26.0.1410.65 for Mac using the minified script, I get a console full of "Success" messages, followed by a Developer Tools crash (but if I don't open the Developer Tools window, the operation completes successfully). When I use the non-minified version, I don't get any messages in the console, and the operation still completes successfully.

I'm just using the non-minified version since it works perfectly, but I wanted to report this so that there was a record in case anyone else ran into the same issue.

benplum commented 11 years ago

You should be using the version in the "dist" folder. The others are for active development and include logs.

jcamins commented 11 years ago

I thought I was using the version in the "dist" folder, but I guess I made a mistake. That explains what I was seeing. Thanks for the clarification!

benplum commented 11 years ago

Hah scratch that, looks like the minified version is still logging. This does need attention.

axemclion commented 11 years ago

My bad, I will change it today. Looks like the consle logging plugin does not run on dist folder. Will create minified from the non minified version now.

benplum commented 11 years ago

No worries, the plugin is amazing. I'm having a little trouble getting transactions initiated, but there seems to be a related open Firefox bug.

Ciantic commented 11 years ago

I suggest removing the console.logs, they considerably slows the performance (at least in other scripts I've tried) and this is probably the case in this too.

Also Firefox hangs if you call console.log when firebug is not opened.