axemclion / jquery-indexeddb

An IndexedDB Plugin for Jquery.
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JQuery Indexeded.d.ts flaws #61

Open dfowler7437 opened 10 years ago

dfowler7437 commented 10 years ago

The promise interfaces generate errors. interface JQueryIDBPromise extends JQueryPromise Error 1 Interface 'JQueryIDBPromise' cannot extend interface 'JQueryPromise': Types of property 'done' of types 'JQueryIDBPromise' and 'JQueryPromise' are incompatible: Call signatures of types '(db: IDBDatabase, event: Event) => void' and '(...doneCallbacks: any[]) => JQueryPromise' are incompatible. C:\Users\David Fowler\Dropbox\Development\Projects\SlingshotWeb\IndexDBTest\jquery.indexeddb.d.ts 11 11 IndexDBTest.ts

Please fix this for TS