*** checkm8 exploit by axi0mX ***
*** modified version by Linus Henze ***
Found: CPID:8010 CPRV:11 CPFM:03 SCEP:01 BDID:18 ECID:000A255414440026 IBFL:3C SRTG:[iBoot-2696.]
ERROR: Exploit failed. Device did not enter pwned DFU Mode.
Running ipwndfu-t8010 (it's a forked version, no idea how different it is) with Python 2 on fresh Arch Linux install
Using iPad 6 (7,5) WiFi which I confirmed was in DFU mode
I tried maybe 30 times total so it isn't a "just do it again" fix
Running ipwndfu-t8010 (it's a forked version, no idea how different it is) with Python 2 on fresh Arch Linux install Using iPad 6 (7,5) WiFi which I confirmed was in DFU mode I tried maybe 30 times total so it isn't a "just do it again" fix
(also, complete linux noob - please simplify lol)