axiak / pybloomfiltermmap

Fast Python Bloom Filter using Mmap
MIT License
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bloom filters with billions of items always returns true #80

Open assafmo opened 7 years ago

assafmo commented 7 years ago

I'm using this config - (10 billion items), but then every check I make returns true.

The file size is around 40GB (which is good), but maybe there are some problems when items > c maxint (i.e. itmes>2.1 billion)?

Please help.

mizvyt commented 4 years ago

@assafmo, have you managed to resolve this?

I'm actively working on pybloomfiltermmap3, so I'd be happy to hear input on this, whether it's something to fix, or to put a notice about a limitation.

assafmo commented 4 years ago

Didn't manage to solve this, used bloomd instead. Sorry.