axieinfinity / ronin

A DPoS blockchain.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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all: apply flock for locking file and upgrade golang from 1.20 to 1.22 #602

Closed huyngopt1994 closed 5 days ago

huyngopt1994 commented 1 week ago

Build locally

Sending build context to Docker daemon  204.5MB
Step 1/30 : FROM golang:1.22.8-alpine3.19@sha256:fe5bea2e1ab3ffebe0267393fea88fcb197e2dbbb1e2dbabeec6dd9ccb0e1871 as builder
 ---> abb558d050b4
Step 2/30 : RUN apk add --no-cache make gcc musl-dev linux-headers git libstdc++-dev
 ---> Running in 9fc5e2451b12
Step 25/30 : ENV GENERATE_BLS_PROOF 'false'
 ---> Running in 9024682ae04b
Removing intermediate container 9024682ae04b
 ---> d4bd472519f6
Step 26/30 : COPY --from=builder /opt/build/bin/ronin /usr/local/bin/ronin
 ---> 681a4b1a79f7
Step 27/30 : COPY --from=builder /opt/genesis/ ./
 ---> a93d3e46e6fe
Step 28/30 : COPY --from=builder /opt/docker/chainnode/ ./
 ---> eb2cab8c7dde
Step 29/30 : EXPOSE 7000 6060 8545 8546 30303 30303/udp
 ---> Running in 3caf83bb4d9e
Removing intermediate container 3caf83bb4d9e
 ---> 77fcc88c7c23
Step 30/30 : ENTRYPOINT ["./"]
 ---> Running in a3e5866e8537
Removing intermediate container a3e5866e8537
 ---> f37dab5acfbb
Successfully built f37dab5acfbb
Successfully tagged test:latest
huyngopt1994 commented 5 days ago

Let me create the other PR for only upgrading the go version from go 1.20 to 1.22 for reducing the impact.