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How we can create mp4dash video with encryption with different audio and video length #525

Open rahul09holkar opened 4 years ago

rahul09holkar commented 4 years ago

Hi Team,

I want to create a encrypted mp4dash using different audio and video. Currently i have merged audio and video using ffmpeg and video seems to proper but when I am encrypt it using bento4 and create mp4dash it defualt picking video duration(which is lower) and video seems to be half.

Can anyone here help me, how I can achieve it.

Let me know if I can share my sample audio and video and finally generated dash video. Thanks in Advance.

barbibulle commented 4 years ago

If the audio track is longer, what are your expectations w/r/t the behavior of the player: do you expect it to continue playing the audio with no video, or stop, or something else?

rahul09holkar commented 4 years ago

HI @barbibulle ,

I want player should play audio continue and video will stop at last frame.