axkirillov / hbac.nvim

Heuristic buffer auto-close
MIT License
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fix(telescope): pass opts from direct func call #20

Closed al-ce closed 10 months ago

al-ce commented 10 months ago

Let telescope opts priority order be:

  1. opts arg from a function call
  2. telescope table from the user defined config
  3. default hbac.config.values.telescope opts

Say you want call the picker with a function call instead of using :Telescope hbac buffers e.g. require('telescope').extensions.hbac.buffers(opts) or require('hbac.telescope').pin_picker(opts). The current parse_opts function overwrites opts.mappings with the merged default_mappings + telescope_opts.mappings tables.

opts.mappings = telescope_opts.use_default_mappings
  and vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', { i = default_mappings, n = default_mappings }, telescope_opts.mappings or {})
  or (telescope_opts.mappings or {})

The function prioritizes other options from a function call (e.g. if you set sort_lastused = false, it will override the config default), but it doesn't account for any potential value of opts.mappings before the assignment above.

In 610a604 the priority order was as described above and currently in the README, but I forgot to check for that when we switched to the Telescope extension. This PR should restore that:

local parse_opts = function(opts)
  -- by this point, user's config opts > default opts
  local telescope_opts = require("hbac.config").values.telescope
  if telescope_opts.use_default_mappings then
    default_mappings = { i = default_mappings, n = default_mappings } 
    -- user defined mappings > default mappings
    telescope_opts.mappings = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", default_mappings, telescope_opts.mappings)
  -- opts/mappings from function args (if any) > config opts/mappings
  return vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", telescope_opts, opts)

I also set the default telescope.mappings value to {} instead of nil to spare some 'check for nil' disjunctions (lua_ls and luacheck aren't complaining about that, do I have a bad config?).

sample lazy.nvim config ```lua return { -- "axkirillov/hbac.nvim", "al-ce/hbac.nvim", branch = "telescope/config-override", opts = { telescope = { mappings = { i = { [""] = function() print("Hello hbac") end, }, } } }, keys = { { ",ht", function() require('telescope').extensions.hbac.buffers({ sort_lastused = false, -- should override default mappings = { i = { [""] = function() print("Goodbye hbac") end, -- should override above mappings [""] = function() print("Where am I?") end, }, }, }) end, desc = "Hbac: Telescope", }, } } ```
al-ce commented 10 months ago

@Nimjii could you take a look at this if you have time?

Nimjii commented 10 months ago

Yeah, it looks good to me. Didn't really consider that, my bad. ^^

al-ce commented 10 months ago

Yeah, it looks good to me. Didn't really consider that, my bad. ^^

No worries, I forgot too and it's probably a rare case. Most everyone would just set their telescope opts in the setup config. But maybe you'd want this for per-project/per-filetype mappings