axnsan12 / drf-yasg

Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django REST Framework code.
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ListField with DictField as child created invalid TypeScript code #671

Open Schwankenson opened 3 years ago

Schwankenson commented 3 years ago

ListField with DictField as child created invalid TypeScript code

I have this field in my django response serializer fields:

detailpage_elements = serializers.ListField(

in swagger.json it is shown as


I using to generate an angular SDK from it. It creates a syntax error

detailpage_elements?: [key: string]: string;[];

which is marked as syntax error.

I changed the child to serializer.JSONField() as workaround, which generates


and works

Schwankenson commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this is a swagger.json or a swagger-angular-generator issue, to I created another issue at the creators of the drf-yasg creators:

aarighi commented 3 years ago

I guess it's a problem in the generation of the OpenAPI Schema (so it comes before the generation of the angular SDK).

I am having the same issue with the Java SDK, the DictField is translated to a Map<String, String>, while it should be a Map<String, Object>. Changing the type in the generated Java code fixes the issue for me.

The point here is that a field

myfield = serializers.DictField(required=False, allow_empty=True, allow_null=False)

is rendered in the OpenAPI file as

        title: Myfield
        type: object
          type: string

while it should just be

        title: Myfield
        type: object
          type: object

Not sure if the last 2 lines can be omitted, maybe.

terencehonles commented 3 years ago

The issue is:

then uses a child of:

However, I think this is probably correct. With my change you'd also see x-nullable: true added to the additionalProperties. But if you want it to be an object there is no way for DRF YASG to know it should be an object not a string. I don't know if there's a good suggestion other than using a JSONField or maybe using a type annotated SerializerMethodField

You may also want to look at

aarighi commented 3 years ago


But if you want it to be an object there is no way for DRF YASG to know it should be an object not a string.

Objects (and dicts) are generally expected to accept any type of data including integers, booleans or nested objects. It seems to me a particular limitation to assume that the dict will contain string-to-string mappings by default, where not specified.

In this case, I believe the proper default behaviour would be to omit the child type indication, unless otherwise specified.

There is a rather simple way of doing this:

    title: Myfield
    type: object
    additionalProperties: {}


The Meta nested class (or another annotation of some sort) may then be used to specify special constraints that diverge from the generic use case, such as string-to-string or string-to-dict mappings. For example:

class MyExampleSerializer(serializers.BaseSerializer):
    myfield = serializers.DictField(required=False, allow_empty=True, allow_null=False)

    class Meta:
        additional_properties = {
            'myfield': {'nested_type': "string"}
terencehonles commented 3 years ago

I'm not the one who wrote the code, but you're serializing to JSON so I also find it reasonable that the default is a string. In general (this is not just used for this case) the string default is probably OK, but for list and dict I also can see there being specialized logic to handle one case or the other.

If you think this should change I would suggest you open a PR to change it. I did the work of showing you where the logic is failing, but I'll leave updating the code to you. I was just passing by and figured I could probably confirm the issue and show you where to continue and I have done that. I unfortunately don't have the time to look into this further, but I hope this conversation has been helpful.