We've been using Axocover for about a year and we love it. Never had any problems. Today I tried to check our coverage and got no results. The 'Assemblies' item on the Report tab is not expandable. I've done alot of google searching and gotten nowhere. Here is my console output.
Test execution started.
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AxoCover Test Runner Console
(c) Peter Major 2017
Executing tests...
| Runner version is 1.1.389.0.
| We are on x86 platform.
| File redirection is enabled for the following files:
| C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_4bb82853\Extensions\ytwkotxs.xb2\MSTestAdapter\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTest.TestAdapter.dll
| C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_4bb82853\Extensions\ytwkotxs.xb2\MSTestAdapter\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTestAdapter.PlatformServices.dll
| C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_4bb82853\Extensions\ytwkotxs.xb2\MSTestAdapter\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTestAdapter.PlatformServices.Interface.dll
| C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_4bb82853\Extensions\ytwkotxs.xb2\MSTestAdapter\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework.dll
| C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_4bb82853\Extensions\ytwkotxs.xb2\MSTestAdapter\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework.Extensions.dll
| Setting up file redirection hooks...
| File redirection hooks are enabled.
Loading assembly from C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_4bb82853\Extensions\ytwkotxs.xb2\MSTestAdapter\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTest.TestAdapter.dll...
|| Loaded executor: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTest.TestAdapter.MSTestExecutor
<< Assembly loaded.
Running executor: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTest.TestAdapter.MSTestExecutor...
|| Processing tests in: D:\Projects\MyTools\Tools.UnitTests\bin\Debug\Tools.UnitTests.dll...
Passed MyTools.Tools.UnitTests.LoggerTest.LogTest
Passed MyTools.UnitTests.XInfoTest.ValueTest
<< Executor finished.
| File redirection rules are cleared.
< Test execution finished.
Shutting down...
Generating coverage report...
No results, this could be for a number of reasons. The most common reasons are:
1) missing PDBs for the assemblies that match the filter please review the
output file and refer to the Usage guide (Usage.rtf) about filters.
2) the profiler may not be registered correctly, please refer to the Usage
guide and the -register switch.
Test execution finished.
I saw one post here suggesting Debugger.Launch() in a test method to see if the PDB files were in the right folder. I tried that and there was a list of things that said PDB file not found and it also showed that symbols were not loaded. I don't know why this would suddenly stop working. I have AxoCover and I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling it.
We've been using Axocover for about a year and we love it. Never had any problems. Today I tried to check our coverage and got no results. The 'Assemblies' item on the Report tab is not expandable. I've done alot of google searching and gotten nowhere. Here is my console output.
Test execution started.
/ \ / \ | ____ | \/ ___/
AxoCover Test Runner Console (c) Peter Major 2017
I saw one post here suggesting Debugger.Launch() in a test method to see if the PDB files were in the right folder. I tried that and there was a list of things that said PDB file not found and it also showed that symbols were not loaded. I don't know why this would suddenly stop working. I have AxoCover and I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling it.