axodox / unpaint

A simple Windows / Xbox app for generating AI images with Stable Diffusion.
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Question: How to specify custom model folder? #29

Closed DmytroSokhach closed 1 year ago

DmytroSokhach commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure where the app was installed after running msix. Where is the config file or some other way to specify existing models folder?

axodox commented 1 year ago

Hi this is an early demo, so there is no option to change the models folder. You can open the model folder using the open model directory button on the model library screen.

DmytroSokhach commented 1 year ago

Thank you for prompt reply!

DmytroSokhach commented 1 year ago

@axodox wow, I've just realized the app utilizes ONNX format 😂 not *.safetensors. All local models kind of not compatible.

For those who will read this in future, there is a way to convert from *.safetensors to onnx via Microsoft Olive

Maybe worth adding message in UI, like: image

axodox commented 1 year ago

Yes, to be honest, it is likely that the model library page will change anyway. I am looking into submitting the app to MS store, however I think even though there are no models in the app, bundling even this downloader would just beg for problems (I do not want to cease and desist letters for random models on HuggingFace).

I am considering a solution where models could be shared using magic links, kind of like how right now you can open things like unpaint://inference/create?model=&positive_prompt=a%20nice%20piece%20of%20pie%20on%20a%20plate&negative_prompt=&guidance_strength=7&sampling_steps=15&random_seed=3539199940 in your browser and have unpaint come up. So I would avoid having any models in the app, or even downloadable through it, but keep the simple experience.