axodox / unpaint

A simple Windows / Xbox app for generating AI images with Stable Diffusion.
263 stars 11 forks source link

[Feedback] Impressive AI UWP app #38

Open basharast opened 1 year ago

basharast commented 1 year ago

I would like to thank you for bringing such functionality to UWP application, it works very well (Using it on my laptop), at least I don't have to run local server to use it.

I do have a little advice if you don't mind regarding the target users: Microsoft already made big damage to UWP using unnecessary restrictions and wrong environment concept along strict Store policy. the UWP apps mostly now used in XBOX, that's why I'm not expecting to see much contributors (I hope I'm wrong about that), UWP's first impression wasn't very good for developers so they still not very convinced to engage with it, Windows users still prefer Win32 apps style over UWP because of the limitation, unless they're looking for simplicity which you already achieved it in your app, don't depend on UWP security market, users will trade security for features, so I do suggest to checkout this discord server, and see if there is opportunity to post it in the announcement so it can get more attention from the right community, also users in this server already has experience to deal with dev mode.

I hope to see this app more popular and has more support.

Most things I liked:

What I hope to see:

btw I cannot use any higher resolution other than 512x512 with my NVIDIA RTX-2070 , Windows 10 I thought it's model issue but for some reason I can generate higher resolutions with other python apps. If this is limited so I prefer to make 512 default on PC too, so it doesn't fail from the first time. user will have to switch between models to generate again, otherwise it will stuck at failed state (happens with 768x768).

Sorry if that too long.

Many thanks, I really enjoyed using this app.

axodox commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the info. The mask invert thing is a good idea, and it should be very easy to add it. For the external location I might look into it later, I will see if Microsoft is willing to accept this in the normal store, so Xbox Dev mode is not needed.

For the memory usage I see that as an issue as well, especially with the ControlNet support I have added today. The SD support in the ONNX framework and DirectML still seems to be in early days, hopefully the optimization will improve with time.

I will look into the failed ONNX / model switch issue.

basharast commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your response, from my experience with store don't worry I felt they don't even monitor the submission. once your app passed with the local verification tool (it will appear after building store release), then it will pass in store. Your app doesn't violate their terms:

These are most cases could cause the app to be taken down. You may create built-in extended list, to drop any word could cause nsfw result for store release to avoid reports, and avoid any mistakes from safety checker model (because it could fail on some cases)