axodox / unpaint

A simple Windows / Xbox app for generating AI images with Stable Diffusion.
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[Question] How to actually use ControlNet? #42

Open ke1ne opened 11 months ago

ke1ne commented 11 months ago

Hi, I downloaded a canny model. Could you please give some giude, how to use it in real world? In UI I got this:



axodox commented 11 months ago

Ah, ok there was a mistake in the code, that made UI weird in case of only one controlnet mode was available. I pushed a fix for it.

You otherwise it would be like this:

axodox commented 11 months ago

The fixed version is released. Currently only canny, depth, hed and openpose have feature extractors, so all others need an input image already in the target format.

axodox commented 11 months ago

I plan to do more bugfixing and documentation on the weekend. Also writing guides for controlnet ready model conversion.

ke1ne commented 11 months ago

Thank you for the update. Also, that guide could be useful in the Wiki. Cheers!