On Linux the zoom in, out and reset work perfectly when using the keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl Shift +, Ctrl Shift -, Ctrl Shift 0).
On Windows and Mac only the zoom in (Ctrl Shift +) works, the other shortcuts do nothing.
On macOS the keyboard shortcuts should use Cmd instead of Ctrl as this is the standard in macOS GUI applications, so the shortcuts should be Cmd Shift +, Cmd Shift - and Cmd Shift 0.
On Linux the zoom in, out and reset work perfectly when using the keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl Shift +, Ctrl Shift -, Ctrl Shift 0). On Windows and Mac only the zoom in (Ctrl Shift +) works, the other shortcuts do nothing. On macOS the keyboard shortcuts should use Cmd instead of Ctrl as this is the standard in macOS GUI applications, so the shortcuts should be Cmd Shift +, Cmd Shift - and Cmd Shift 0.