axoverse / buildathon_20230320

Axoverse buildathon part of DTC Q1 Member's meeting Reston
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Onsite setup of Unity from local network and file share #27

Open seghcder opened 1 year ago

seghcder commented 1 year ago
  1. Connect to the "NETGEAR08" WiFi network using the password provided in class
  2. Open a command prompt on your PC and connect to the fileshare with:
    net use x: \\\share /user:\builder JungleRopeCat
  3. Go to X:\ in Windows Explorer and install UnityHubSetup.exe
  4. Go to X:\Unity-2021.3.9-[OS Tag] folder and install UnitySetup64-2021.3.9f1.exe/pkg
  5. Run Unity from the Start/App menu.
    1. When prompted, switch to Unity Hub and log in with the credentials provided to you via email earlier. These are usually in the format
    2. Skip the install of the latest version if prompted
    3. Accept the Personal license when prompted
  6. Install at least the UnitySetup-WebGL-Support-For-Editor-2021.3.9f1 and optionally other components if you wish to build for those targets
    • Directory for add on components is C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.3.9f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines
  7. Disconnect from NETGEAR08 and return to the setup documentation

26 FYI