axoverse / buildathon_20230320

Axoverse buildathon part of DTC Q1 Member's meeting Reston
3 stars 0 forks source link

Buildathon core tasks - TEMPLATE (copy to your userid) #31

Open seghcder opened 1 year ago

seghcder commented 1 year ago

Clone this task to your own issue

  1. Copy the preformatted content below
  2. Click "New issue" button
  3. Paste the content
  4. Set the Subject to "Buildathon core tasks - myuserid"
  5. Assigning to yourself (Assignees on right)**
  6. Click Submit new issue
If you have any issues, check if there is a similar issue. If not, add a comment below mentioning @axoverse/xtrn_support

## More setup tasks!

- [ ] Assign the project by clicking Projects and choosing the Buildathon 20XXXXXX Tracker
- [ ] Move this task to "In Progress" using the Projects status box on the right
- [ ] Review the [workshop participation agreement]( and the [AR/VR devices agreement]( if you wish to try an XR device (Quest, Hololens, time permitting) 
- [ ] Check you have access to []( by logging in with your GitHub ID and the same password as the Unity credential previously provided via email
    * If you cannot login or don't have the credential, add a comment below mentioning @axoverse/xtrn_support

# Building work (finally!)
- [ ] Work through the building tutorial here - 

## Publishing tasks

- [ ] When you have added the "Add xFab exporter component", let us know by commenting on task and mention @axoverse/xtrn_support 
- [ ] "Build" the first version of your asset by going to `xTools > xWorld Asset Builder` and clicking `Default Build`. Check there are no issues in the Console Log. 
- [ ] Receive the S3 bucket name, region, access ID and secret key from the instructor or support. Keep these secure and private.
- [ ] Go to `xTools > xWorld Asset Builder` and click `Copy Default build to S3`
    * Fill out the details as provided by your instructor
    * Click Upload
    * Check in the Console log to fix any errors
- [ ] Go to<yourgithubid> (replace yourgithubid with your githubID) to check your content.
    * Click `xScape Addressable Bundles` > _Your Bundle_ > Click your Prefab once > Click the Pencil icon > Click the small pencil icon > click `Layout::Spatial` arrow on right
- [ ] Move this task to "Done" using the Projects status box on the right

## Optional
- [ ] Download other xScape (front end) options from
- [ ] Add support for other platforms by 
    * Switching your build platform by going to File > Build and choosing `Windows/Mac/Linux` and then `Switch Platform`
    * Do a "Default Build" and "S3 Upload" for that platform
    * Open the downloaded xScape front end and check the content is visible  
- [ ] Continue working on your room tutorial, or experiment by adding your own ideas and content. 
- [ ] If you would like to submit your project for judging (Thursday), add a comment to