Closed yardimcilab closed 10 months ago
It seems like an issue with the input file format.
Please check this link to convert the .hic file.
While running dchic, please remove the chrY and chrM instances from the bed file to avoid any further issues.
As I said (and showed in my comment), I did convert the input file format and removed the Y and M chromosomes. So neither of those issues is the problem here.
The "Error: upper value must be greater than lower value" means an issue with file conversion. The indices (first and second column) in the .matrix file should be of a particular order. That is, the first column value must be equal to or less than the second column value. If this condition is not satisfied, then the error can occur. Can you check and confirm if this condition is satisfied for the matrix file?
I tried converting a pair of .hic contact matrices to sparse matrices and calling one of your example commands:
Here is the output:
I have tried processing with all chromosomes, as well as removing chromosome Y, M and Y, and X,Y,M.
These contact matrices are based on about 135 million valid pairs and the contact matrices look like normal Hi-C data visualized with Juicebox. The same error