I recently worked on cool files between mustache and HiCExplorer.
I first converted the matrix file from raw hic-pro format to cool file without Normalizing,
Then i use HiCExplorer's hicNormalize and hicCorrectMatrix (--correctionMethod KR),
what i did using hicNormalize is this:
then what i did using hicCorrectMatrix (--correctionMethod KR) is this:
so i now have mcool files normalized using KR amongst multiple samples,
the question is:
do i need to set -norm KR or just use the default while loop calling
Hi, I recently worked on cool files between mustache and HiCExplorer. I first converted the matrix file from raw hic-pro format to cool file without Normalizing, Then i use HiCExplorer's hicNormalize and hicCorrectMatrix (--correctionMethod KR),
what i did using hicNormalize is this: then what i did using hicCorrectMatrix (--correctionMethod KR) is this: so i now have mcool files normalized using KR amongst multiple samples, the question is: do i need to set -norm KR or just use the default while loop calling