ayaanzhaque / instruct-nerf2nerf

Instruct-NeRF2NeRF: Editing 3D Scenes with Instructions (ICCV 2023)
MIT License
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NameError: name 'tcnn' is not defined #19

Closed Amaru-Zeas closed 1 year ago

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

I was able to train my nfactor just fine, then when I tried to use nerf2nerf it give me an error

ns-train in2n --data L:\Photogametry_Project\NeRF\amaru --load-dir C:\Users\Cuy\nerfstudio\outputs\amaru\nerfacto\2023-04-25_092552\nerfstudio_models --pipeline.prompt {"prompt"} --pipeline.guidance-scale 7.5 --pipeline.image-guidance-scale 1.5

NameError: name 'tcnn' is not defined

tancik commented 1 year ago

Can you try running pip install ninja git+https://github.com/NVlabs/tiny-cuda-nn/#subdirectory=bindings/torch

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

thanks I I will give it a try

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

Thanks @tancik it seems that worked, just need to figure it out how to use the prompt in nerfstudio now :)

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago


Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

so training model keeps resetting back to 0% then goes all the way to 100% is this normal?

ayaanzhaque commented 1 year ago

What do you mean resetting to 0? If you load the nerfacto model with in2n, it will start the training at 100% (just because the pre-trained model has already been trained for 30k iters). This is expected.

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago


Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

see how from 97% goes back to 00%

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

I guess I am still confused how to use in2n and the prompt in nerfstudio

ayaanzhaque commented 1 year ago

Oh lol. Its going from 103.97% to 104.00%. The training is going properly. You can set the prompt using the command line, as described in the readme.

ns-train in2n --data {PROCESSED_DATA_DIR} --load-dir {outputs/.../nerfstudio_models} --pipeline.prompt {"prompt"} --pipeline.guidance-scale 7.5 --pipeline.image-guidance-scale 1.5

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

lol gotcha didn't know goes beyond 100%

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago


Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

so I do have the prompt in nerfstudio, so just add anything in that box and wait for it?

ayaanzhaque commented 1 year ago

The prompt that you added via the command line will show up in that text box. If you want to adjust the prompt during training you can do so. Otherwise, all you have to do is run the command line and then let it train.

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

ah I see thanks, just taking long time to train with in2n (the regular train was much faster) I am using a RTX 4090. so if currently is 107.13% what percentage is completed?

ayaanzhaque commented 1 year ago

Ya it takes a lot longer to train than the regular nerfacto because it has to use a diffusion model. It usually will be done around 40k iterations. I would say just check on it in the viewer from time to time to see how the edit is progressing.

Amaru-Zeas commented 1 year ago

ah I see thanks a lot. One last question, so everytime I add a different prompt while training will that affect time?

ayaanzhaque commented 1 year ago

Ya it will make it take a while to converge to your new edit.