ayaanzhaque / instruct-nerf2nerf

Instruct-NeRF2NeRF: Editing 3D Scenes with Instructions (ICCV 2023)
MIT License
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how to reconsturct 3D scene? #20

Closed cwwjyh closed 1 year ago

cwwjyh commented 1 year ago


Hello, "train a regular nerfacto scene using your data", Is this scene I must use Nerfstudio to reconstruct? Or do your mean I'd better use Nerfstudio for scene reconstruction?

ayaanzhaque commented 1 year ago

Basically you must first train a regular nerfacto model using your data, and then you can load that checkpoint into the in2n training so it has something to start editing. You basically need to have the original reconstruction before you can start editing.

rozgo commented 1 year ago

An instant-ngp-bounded wouldnt work?

ayaanzhaque commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately with the current code setup it wouldn't work. This is because the In2n model class inherits the Nerfacto class. However, with some code modifications, it should be possible!