ayamir / nvimdots

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feat: include several new plugins #1235

Closed CharlesChiuGit closed 2 weeks ago

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 months ago
  1. advanced-git-search.nvim
  2. search.nvim
  3. replace colorizer.lua w/ nvim-highlight-colors
CharlesChiuGit commented 2 months ago

do i need to change the target branch to 0.10? @ayamir

ayamir commented 2 months ago

do i need to change the target branch to 0.10? @ayamir

it's better to switch 👍

gezhanling commented 2 months ago

May you consider add the vim-orgmode plugin?

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 months ago

i'm not sure if adding orgmode would benefit most neovim users. If we really need to add orgmode, i think https://github.com/nvim-orgmode/orgmode or https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg might be better.

Jint-lzxy commented 2 months ago

if adding orgmode would benefit most neovim users.

If memory serves me correctly, I think this is exactly why we dropped orgmode around two years ago. It's undeniably powerful, but getting the hang of it still demands some effort. Plus IMHO it actually diverges from the primary purpose of using neovim as a pure text editor for the majority of neovim users - its code is notably self-contained and straightforward to configure, but it's also massive(!), which (I think) categorizes it as an excellent example of custom plugins rather than being included in our default plugin list. My two cents on using orgmode is that it's a great "app" for note-taking related stuff, but it's definitely not a must-have for our base config.

gezhanling commented 1 month ago

My two cents on using orgmode is that it's a great "app" for note-taking related stuff

By the way, do you use the Emacs orginal orgmode?

Jint-lzxy commented 1 month ago

My two cents on using orgmode is that it's a great "app" for note-taking related stuff

By the way, do you use the Emacs orginal orgmode?

@gezhanling I experimented with that years ago before transitioning to Vim, and imo it worked nicely with Emacs :D

CharlesChiuGit commented 3 weeks ago

aha, totally forget to change that lol. tks for the fix up!

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 weeks ago

hmmm, i'm not sure why luacheck didn't pass.

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 weeks ago

I set https://github.com/ayamir/nvimdots/blob/400e77d977c0a5d5da04194a2aa82d09d536cd0e/lua/modules/configs/tool/search.lua#L4 to default setup instead our custom setup function since it might cause issue for current universal telescope collections panel.

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

I'm a bit occupied right now, but I'll check out this PR later this week lol

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

... to default setup instead our custom setup function since it might cause issue for current universal telescope collections panel.

@CharlesChiuGit I've tried my best to comprehend this PR, but I'm still a bit perplexed about the current implementation. iiuc we have five different search groups for Telescope (namely file, live_grep, git, workspace and misc). However, in lua/keymap/tool.lua, I only see two of these groups (file and git) being actively used, not including the "mega" key <leader>f. Is there a specific design reason for this, or did I miss something?

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 weeks ago

tbh, i think we can remove those keymaps and just keep the <leader>f, i leave <leader>f'X' there just to keep consistent w/ our old config, so we won't be bombarded by issues lol


isn't this what u mean by mega key?

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

just to keep consistent w/ our old config, so we won't be bombarded w/ issues lol ... isn't this what u mean by mega key?

lol thanks for clarifying! imo we can just remove these "compatible" keymaps and update the wiki. After all, we're going to introduce breaking changes when #1260 is merged anyway :D

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

isn't this what u mean by mega key?

Exactly! We probably just need to invoke TabCollection:all() to get this (picker_name) then. Easy peasy lmao!

EDIT: Seems like the following one-liner would do the job for us:

local collections = vim.tbl_keys(require("search.tabs").collections)
CharlesChiuGit commented 2 weeks ago


i moved <leader>bn to core/mapping.lua since i don't see a reason to leave it under telescope lol

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

WAM I think with the current state of the PR, we also need to update dots.tutor (Lesson 1.2) ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

@CharlesChiuGit Would u mind undertaking the illustrious yet arduous endeavor of updating both the wiki and dots.tutor, or shall we divide the tasks and complete them collaboratively? tbf I'm finding myself oddly fatigued given the current situation 🤣

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 weeks ago

sure! i can update the wiki part lol take your time! rest as u need

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

sure! i can update the wiki part lol

🫡Thanks a ton! btw I used to use this one-liner (after cloning our repo's wiki pages git clone https://github.com/ayamir/nvimdots.wiki.git)

$ awk '/^\|/{ print $(NF-1) }' < Keybindings.md | sed -e '/^`/!d' -e 's/^`\(.*\)`$/\1/g'

to retrieve the list of possible keymaps. However, that page hasn't been updated in a long time, so u might need to put in some extra effort to ensure all the entries are valid 😆

(Just came up with the following to retrieve the list of defined keymaps in our config. I haven't tested it thoroughly though, but it should work fine :D)

$ rg -IN '\s*\[".*?\|(.*?)"\] = .*$' -r '$1' | sed '/^$/d'

take your time! rest as u need

nvm I'm just joking after seeing the potential paperwork lol I'll take care of dots.tutor, but I might need ur input to ensure everything aligns correctly with respect to search.nvim XD

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 weeks ago

i think we can merge this pr and update tutor and wiki later?

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

i think we can merge this pr and update tutor and wiki later?

Sure! ur PR, ur choice lol (But I'll try to fix the checks tho)

ayamir commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for the late reply, currently I'm busy with internship work so I have little time to participate in discussions. IMO current Telescope Collections as a middle selector may hinder fast operation and break the workflow. Perhaps it would be more acceptable to users to keep the key bindings that can directly open different search category interfaces. For example, use <leader>ff can open the file tab directly. In addition, we also need to modify the alpha-nvim UI for the new key bindings

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for the late reply, currently I'm busy with internship work so I have little time to participate in discussions. IMO current Telescope Collections as a middle selector may hinder fast operation and break the workflow. Perhaps it would be more acceptable to users to keep the key bindings that can directly open different search category interfaces. For example, use <leader>ff can open the file tab directly. In addition, we also need to modify the alpha-nvim UI for the new key bindings

ok, will do

Jint-lzxy commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for the late reply, currently I'm busy with internship work so I have little time to participate in discussions.

And best of luck with ur internship lol!