aydenp / Ultrasound

A new take on the iOS volume HUD.
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Haptic feedback doesn’t work on iPhone 5S at iOS 12.4 #5

Closed s0m3sushi closed 4 years ago

s0m3sushi commented 4 years ago

When reached 100% users won’t be able to get the haptic feedback after enabling it. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enable haptic feedback
  2. Turn the volume up to 100%
halkun commented 4 years ago

Seeing the same issue on my iPhone SE with iOS 12.4. Side note and previously, this issue was observed on iOS 12.1.1 as well.

No feedback comes up when volumes were both at 0% and 100%.

When using Aerify tweak, I do get haptic feedback at 100%. I don't recall it at 0% though.

PatrikTheDev commented 4 years ago

I think the reason is that the 5S doesn’t have the Taptic Engine, so it’s incapable of giving haptics.

aydenp commented 4 years ago

This is correct. We can't provide Haptic Feedback on the 5s or 6, as the 6s was the first to ship with a Taptic Engine. The current minimum supported device for Haptic Feedback is iPhone 7, as it has a newer and more precise engine supported by newer APIs (leaving out the 6s and SE as well).

aydenp commented 4 years ago

I'm going to close this and open #7, which tackles the issue for newer devices specifically.