ayekat / localdir

Personal configuration files
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Get rid of remaining dotfile clutter in ~/ #7

Open ayekat opened 7 years ago

ayekat commented 7 years ago

This is the "hard resistance" of hidden files that still remain in my home directory, and for which there is no trivial solution listed in this Arch Wiki article:

Some of them are not essential and can be occasionally purged with dotbloat, but some others (.anthy, .mailcap, .pki and .ssh) are permanently required, and thus more annoying.

Explicitly not listed

The following 3 directories are not listed because either applying the XDG base directory specification to them does not make any sense, or because we need to put application data at least somewhere:

ayekat commented 7 years ago

For the ones where it is hardcoded, using a wrapper script with an LD_PRELOAD for file system accesses a FUSE filesystem might be a way...—need to investigate on that.

ayekat commented 7 years ago

OK, there is no real one-size-fits-it-all solution:

Besides, .rnd has been relocated with the RANDFILE variable. Let's see if OpenSSL puts it in the right location—marking as fixed for the moment.

For quite a few on that list, I will not search for a solution, but simply stop using them (e.g. .mozilla, .adobe, .macromedia, .mono) (e.g. I've made quite a successful transition from dwb to qutebrowser two weeks ago).

ayekat commented 7 years ago

For .asoundrc, it appears to be possible to use environment variables for setting the default sound card. This might be handy for temporarily setting a sound card when watching a film while hooked up to the 5.1 sound card (rather than keeping around a "disabled" configuration file that clutters our home directory).

--edit-- It works—in my particular case, it's simply

$ ALSA_CARD=Device mpv path/to/some/video.mkv

and it uses my external 5.1 sound card.

ayekat commented 7 years ago

Commit 0524cadfb moves ~/.mozilla into $XDG_DATA_HOME by setting a different $HOME.

It's an ugly hack, but it works for me™, so I'm ticking it off as solved either way.

Also, after uninstalling flashplugin, .adobe and .macromedia no longer seem to be created, so I'm marking it as "solved". I assume that they would also appear in $XDG_DATA_HOME/mozilla.

ayekat commented 5 years ago

Concerning ~/.pki, I just stumbed over https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=818686.

If this gets implemented by Mozilla, there is a chance that Chrome/Chromium (and thus qutebrowser) will follow.

This would also be a bit of "milestone" in that all dotfiles/dotfolders we care about would be finally gone (with the exception of ~/.anthy, which is unlikely to ever disappear, because the project is dead). The rest can be periodically nuked by dotbloat.

goll72 commented 4 years ago

It is possible to change the location of ~/.android, you just have to export the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME and ANDROID_SDK_HOME variables, setting them to where you want your adb data directory to be. I set up mine to be in ~/.local/share/android

ayekat commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for the input! I haven't tested it (it's been a while since I played around with Android for the last time), but I trust you it works :-)

goll72 commented 4 years ago

I noticed that some programs will use the adb daemon without using the environment variables that are setup (one example is DroidCam OBS). So it doesn't solve anything (for the ones using those programs).

ghost commented 4 years ago

Now simplescreenrecorder reads XDG_CONFIG_HOME. More details on its commit, it will be part of the next release.

ayekat commented 4 years ago

Ah, good to know, thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

It's a bit unfortunate that $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/simplescreenrecorder must exist beforehand, but I guess this is already better than nothing.

guihkx commented 3 years ago

It is possible to change the location of ~/.android, you just have to export the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME and ANDROID_SDK_HOME variables, setting them to where you want your adb data directory to be. I set up mine to be in ~/.local/share/android

That won't work. At least not for adb, see:


The path is hardcoded to "$HOME/.android", unfortunately.

guihkx commented 3 years ago

Regarding the .pki directory, Firefox doesn't use it anymore (unless it already exists):


Chromium-based browsers and apps, however, still do:


pravorskyi commented 3 years ago

.android is partially fixed. Hardcoded paths remained in adb and some other tools: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/160478861

karras commented 2 years ago

One issue I encountered is that ~/.ansible/tmp was still being cluttered even with Ansible wrappers in place.

The two available tmp configurations for ansible.cfg can help to remedy the problem. Note that remote_tmp probably only needs to be set to $XDG_CACHE_HOME when you run Ansible against localhost, i.e. your own machine like it's the case for me:

# https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/config.html#default-local-tmp
local_tmp           = $XDG_CACHE_HOME/ansible/.ansible/tmp

# https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/sh_shell.html
remote_tmp          = $XDG_CACHE_HOME/ansible/.ansible/tmp
ayekat commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for the input!

DepressingInteresting that setting $HOME still doesn't catch all cases… I haven't run Ansible as a controller in this setup in a while now, so I'd need to check again. Do you set this in each project's ansible.cfg, or how do you solve that (AFAICT config merging isn't part of Ansible yet, so I'm not sure I could use my personal ansible.cfg somewhere else)?

For remote_tmp… I would probably need to know how the remote user likes to organise their home directory. For that, I'd have to go through a significant portion of the remote login procedure to get to a point where I can determine the values of the XDG basedir variables. Without any support from Ansible itself, I'm not quite sure this is doable in an elegant way.

I could also simply assume that the remote user also has the same localdir/dotfiles setup, but I'd like to avoid that (but to be honest, if I were to manage my own systems with Ansible, I'd probably use a dedicated ansible user—I typically don't care about the "cleanliness" of service account home directories :sweat_smile:). But it's nice to know that one could in theory override this. Thanks!

karras commented 2 years ago

I'd specify it only for specific projects, i.e. on a project level because as you said you'd encounter the XDG .local spec mostly only on ones own workstation.

Thaodan commented 2 years ago

There's also .netrc which can be changed at least on the side of curl to CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE. Other programs might have similar options.

Thaodan commented 2 years ago

.w3m: Created by w3m (appears hardcoded) [???]


Thaodan commented 2 years ago

Changing $GPGHOME has the side effect of changing the path to the socket.

ayekat commented 1 year ago

.w3m: Created by w3m (appears hardcoded) [???]


Thanks a lot! Adopted in 896234ff65db83d381d0c268aa93e6e567973bd3.

ayekat commented 1 year ago

Removed ~/.mono (Keepass) and ~/.thumbnails (Thunar), as I haven't used either of those applications for several years now.

Also marked ~/.mozilla as "worked around" (with the wrapper script). Realistically, it's not going to be implemented anytime soon, so I might as well make myself comfortable with the wrapper script. As it's not my main browser, that's "good enough" for me.

Thaodan commented 1 year ago

Wasn't thumbnails the legacy location for apps using the xdg thumbnails? Anyone who tries Thunar again later should not need it.