aymanalhattami / filament-page-with-sidebar

Organize pages in the sidebar in order to make navigation between pages more comfortable.
MIT License
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Ideas : Add group & custom block & actions 1 topSideBar #23

Open Thiktak opened 1 year ago

Thiktak commented 1 year ago


I am using your package, and now I implemented some ideas ... but maybe there is a better way.

Issue 1

Is the dark mode title correct ? text-slate-700 dark:text-navy-100 navy-100 seems a bit off in a dark mode. image

Idea 1 - Add group.

I know there is NavigationGroup, and subgroup on the main filament package. Effort on these tips or implementing the filament WoW ?

Idea 2 - More than just items

For example, the possibility to include Infolist or custom Html ?

Idea 3 - Add Header, top and/or footer block of Actions ?

For example the header with a triple dot dropdown, or a list of button (group) for top/footer ?

Idea 4 - Possibility to switch left/right sidebar to top (tabs) ?

Or even better: a SideBar and a TopBar ? (with the TopBar we could implement page section (anchor), filters or sub-pages)

Here a preview of some implementation: image

If the idea seems good for you I can PR this version or separately, but I think some ideas could be reviewed.

My implementations



    $sidebar = static::getResource()::sidebar($this->record);
    $items = collect($sidebar->getNavigationItems())->groupBy(function ($it) {
        return $it->getGroup();


                @foreach ($items as $group => $groupItems)
                    <h3 class="mt-4 mb-2 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-200">{{ $group }}</h3>
                    <ul class="space-y-2 font-inter font-medium" wire:ignore>
                        @foreach ($groupItems as $item)
                            @if (!$item->isHidden())
                                    <x-filament-page-with-sidebar::item :active="$item->isActive()" :icon="$item->getIcon()"
                                        :active-icon="$item->getActiveIcon()" :url="$item->getUrl()" :badge="$item->getBadge()" :badgeColor="$item->getBadgeColor()"
                                        {{ $item->getLabel() }}

group / getGroup is already implemented.

Use with ->group('name') (empty go first)

                    ->url(function () use ($record) {
                        return static::getUrl('matrix', ['record' => $record->id]);

More than Item ?


                            @if (!$item->isHidden())
                                @if (is_a($item, \AymanAlhattami\FilamentPageWithSidebar\PageNavigationHTML::class))
                                    {!! $item->getHTML() !!}
                                @elseif(is_a($item, \AymanAlhattami\FilamentPageWithSidebar\PageNavigationBlock::class))
                                    {{ $item->render() }}
                                    <x-filament-page-with-sidebar::item [...]

I also created a PageNavigationHTML (in order to add divider <hr />) with html() (or content()) and getHtml().

and new class:

use Closure;
use Filament\Infolists\Concerns\InteractsWithInfolists;
use Filament\Infolists\Contracts\HasInfolists;
use Filament\Infolists\Infolist;
use Filament\Navigation\NavigationItem;
use Illuminate\Support\HtmlString;

class PageNavigationBlock extends \Livewire\Component implements HasInfolists
    use InteractsWithInfolists;
    use \Filament\Infolists\Components\Concerns\HasChildComponents;

    protected string | Closure | null $group = null;

    public function group(string | Closure | null $group): static
        $this->group = $group;

        return $this;

    public function getGroup(): mixed
        return $this->group;

    public function isHidden()
        return false;

    static public function make(): static
        return new self();

    public function blockInfolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
        return $infolist

    public function render()
        $i = new \Filament\Infolists\Infolist($this);

        return new HtmlString($this->blockInfolist($i)->render());

And usage with;

Thiktak commented 1 year ago


Idéa about the Filament objects is definitively possible! Now badge colors, and the future sub-group if they implement it (discussion in progress). But here I loose my custom objects (need to re-think about it, maybe via a footer hook zone). But I had to duplicate and change some logic in the sidebar & topbar of filament (will maybe PR it).


with top navigation in bonus: image

and a bonus :) image

With standard objects: image

Not tested in RTL Need lot of fixes (rounding, spacing, padding, etc ...)

I will push a branch with it later this week, if you want to check.

aymanalhattami commented 1 year ago

Great @Thiktak

I'll check every change as soon as I can.

If the idea seems good for you I can PR this version or separately, but I think some ideas could be reviewed.

Yes make PR separately, I can review and provide feedback on the proposed version or any separate ideas you have. I'm open to discussing and considering different possibilities. Please feel free to share the details or any additional information you have

I will push a branch with it later this week, if you want to check.

Ok or make PR

Thiktak commented 1 year ago



This draft version is using Filament object, and retro-compatible. I had to overwrite the sidebar & topbar of filament as they used filament() global configuration.


aymanalhattami commented 1 year ago

Dark mode issue has been fixed and set group for items also now supported in v2.1.1

Ideas 2, 3 and 4 will be checked soon

KumarSubham101201 commented 1 year ago



This draft version is using Filament object, and retro-compatible. I had to overwrite the sidebar & topbar of filament as they used filament() global configuration.


How can i add the subsidebar on top?

aymanalhattami commented 11 months ago

Topbar supported in version 2.4.0