ayojs / ayojs.tech

ayojs website [Work in Progress]
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discussion: List of must have features for the ayo.tech website #5

Open moe-dizzle opened 6 years ago

moe-dizzle commented 6 years ago

Ayo is Humans before technology. So one of the core principles of Ayo is human accessibility. Thus while we are discussing what build/framework to use for the website (Issue #3) , I think it is also important to discuss what features this website must have to abide by Ayo core principles.

So If you have any thoughts or features that you think would great for the website, please post it and I will compile a list below.

Potential Must-Haves List

neurodynamic commented 6 years ago

Suggest: font-sizes and contrast ratios should be high enough to be easily readable by low-vision users.

Kataract commented 6 years ago

For accessibility, since the site is static and shouldn't have any interactable content beyond links or buttons, it's probably best to aim for having the site pass WCAG 2.0 AA. This should be easy to accomplish with any static site generator we select based on the discussion so far in #3.

I would also like to toss in that the site should be easily readable and navigable regardless of device (responsive, etc).

nbarnes commented 6 years ago

Tool we might want to look into for accessibility testing: https://github.com/github/accessibilityjs