ayonga / frost-dev

Fast Robot Optimization and Simulation Toolkit (FROST)
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Modifying flippy example files and adding extra functions in RobotManipulator.m #15

Closed shishirny closed 7 years ago

shishirny commented 7 years ago

Besides cleaning files in example/flippy here are the major changes in the main code --- in RobotManipulator.m

1) Added a new function called ComputeRelativeRigidOrientation. This gives a rotation matrix relative to a specified reference frame 'R'. This function can be used instead of ComputeRelativeEulerAngles.

2) Modified the function ToRelativeEulerAngle. This is to address #13 which computes the Euler angles wrongly for certain orientations. NOTE: This is not fixed in the function ToEulerAngle.

Feel free to make changes to ToEulerAngle after verifying the fix.