Closed yuan0623 closed 5 years ago
There could be a few cases this result happens:
1) your tau
is not equals to 0 at the beginning of the domain;
2) you did not enforce the hybrid invariance constraints, i.e., y(0) = 0 and ydot(0) =0.
Ayonga, thanks so much for your reply! I thought for an orbit planning problem, every one will assume tau
starts from 0. I also though if I do the hybrid trajectory optimization, the hybrid invariance constraint is the default setting.
So my next questions are:
starts from 0 and ends at 1I think the hybrid invariance constraint is enforced in
r_stance.UserNlpConstraint = str2func('right_stance_constraints');
r_impact.UserNlpConstraint = str2func('right_impact_constraints');
In the right_stance_constraints
, the author have domain.VirtualConstraints.time.imposeNLPConstraint(nlp, [, bounds.time.kd], [1,1], load_path);
. but the results is still not correct.
I think it can be the tau
is not start from 0, how do I check the range of the tau
in the optimization result? Have no clue :(
I have just tried the default version for rabbit optimization. I did not modified anything. The phase variable is time based.
In the results, params{1,1}.ptime=[0.4956,0].
, and the tspan
is from 0
to 0.4956
. Based on the definition of tau=(t-p(2))/(p(1)-p(2))
, it should start from 0
to 1
Then based on what you said, the problem should be the enforcement of hybrid invariance constraints, but in the code right_stance_constraints.m
, it does set the constraint. Then everything thing should be good. However, the result still doesn't make sense.
The first column of x is
-0.1678 0.7400 0.1690 2.4270 0.6454 2.9454 0.5880
the coefficients of Bezier curve are :
2.4271 0.6455 2.9453 0.5880 2.5426 0.5941
2.9781 0.7263 2.6988 0.4451 2.8123 1.0771
2.7080 0.5621 2.5740 1.1960 2.8510 0.4166
2.3711 1.0778 2.9458 0.5877 2.4274 0.6458
As you can see, the first coefficient of first Bezier curve is really close to x(4)
, whick make sense, however, the rest looks bad to me. Is there any bug on that existing rabbit example? I really can not figure it out myself.
Thanks you!
You did not correctly reformat the Bezier coefficient, you should use reshape(params{1}.atime,4,6), which will give you 2.4269 2.5425 2.6987 2.7077 2.8508 2.9457 0.6454 0.5941 0.4452 0.5623 0.4165 0.5875 2.9453 2.9781 2.8124 2.5739 2.3709 2.4272 0.5879 0.7262 1.0771 1.1959 1.0778 0.6458 where the first column of x would be: -0.1678 0.7400 0.1692 2.4269 0.6454 2.9453 0.5879 .
Thank you so much! That is simply awesome! I think we can close this case for now.. Orz
Hi, I have one problem about the optimization results about rabbit example in FROST. In
, I changetau = (t-p(2))/(p(1)-p(2));
intotau = (x('BasePosX')-p(2))/(p(1)-p(2));
and I also change theTimeBased
phase-type intoStateBased
phase type. The optimization runs just fine. When I look into the result, I found something weird. I assume the optimized Bezier curve coefficient is stored inparams.atime
of[tspan, states, inputs, params] = exportSolution(nlp, sol);
Based on what I've learned, the first coefficient of Bezier curve should equal to the initial corresponding state of the optimized orbit. the coefficient of Bezier curve should equal to the last corresponding state of the optimized orbit. But it's not the case in the optimization result. Here is the coefficient of the 4 5th-order Bezier curves (24 numbers in the param.atime, not sure what does atime mean)2.71618571692464 0.515515095636679 2.71705785916497 1.02499554796246 2.86538716761488 0.468324521468795
2.48324948627866 1.15124079095115 2.98496637234353 0.499653975816616 2.24823964188322 0.897687575012935
3.03613034792144 0.646974647833675 2.42657908023512 0.0167244308523125 3.10412530275568 0.801064202668094
3.27017750951884 -0.147216276707749 2.74238646146068 3.79910980485377 1.35969708221527 -0.260488859460432
And there is the first column of
0.160669780340591 0.741546376010217 0.146173027697750 2.45916544725954 0.645968711581861 2.95613077740528 0.597108636820039
As you can see, the first coefficient of each Bezier curve is not equal to x4-x7.
My question is:
what does the results of optimization mean?
where can I find the value of
intau = (t-p(2))/(p(1)-p(2));
, I supposep
is also being optimized?has there any one used FROST to optimize planar multi-domain walking?