Simplified installation in Octave and Matlab.
Tested in Octave 4.2 and 4.4 in Ubuntu 16 and 18 (see #48)
Tutorials are now available in jupyter notebook for Octave
Continuous Integration with travis, including tutorials in the tests (closes #51)
Renamed documentation files to use underscores
Cleaned datasets (closes #54)
Tutorial runtime is now faster by reducing folds and data conditionality.
Simplified installation in Octave and Matlab. Tested in Octave 4.2 and 4.4 in Ubuntu 16 and 18 (see #48) Tutorials are now available in jupyter notebook for Octave Continuous Integration with travis, including tutorials in the tests (closes #51) Renamed documentation files to use underscores Cleaned datasets (closes #54) Tutorial runtime is now faster by reducing folds and data conditionality.