aysylu / loom

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loom.io/view calls render-to-bytes incorrectly #95

Closed lvh closed 7 years ago

lvh commented 7 years ago

Trivial repro:

(lio/view (lgraph/graph) :fmt :pdf)

... should create a PDF and open it. However, instead:

1. Unhandled java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
   No value supplied for key: [:fmt :pdf]

Inspecting the code:

(defn render-to-bytes
  "Renders the graph g in the image format using GraphViz and returns data
  as a byte array.
  Requires GraphViz's 'dot' (or a specified algorithm) to be installed in
  the shell's path. Possible algorithms include :dot, :neato, :fdp, :sfdp,
  :twopi, and :circo. Possible formats include :png, :ps, :pdf, and :svg."
  [g & {:keys [alg fmt] :or {alg "dot" fmt :png} :as opts}]
  (let [dot (apply dot-str g (apply concat opts))
        {:keys [out]} (sh (name alg) (str "-T" (name fmt)) :in dot :out-enc :bytes)]

(defn view
  "Converts graph g to a temporary image file using GraphViz and opens it
  in the current desktop environment's default viewer for said files.
  Requires GraphViz's 'dot' (or a specified algorithm) to be installed in
  the shell's path. Possible algorithms include :dot, :neato, :fdp, :sfdp,
  :twopi, and :circo. Possible formats include :png, :ps, :pdf, and :svg."
  [g & {:keys [fmt] :or {fmt :png} :as opts}]
    (open-data (apply render-to-bytes g opts) fmt))

On the last line, (apply ... opts) -- opts should presumably be (apply concat opts). (This is why I don't like positional keyword arguments very much :))

lvh commented 7 years ago

I have created a PR fixing this issue. Workaround until then: add the labels you want to the graph directly instead of relying on passing opts to view. That is, until there's a new bugfix release :)