ayubun / discord-ttl

A simple-to-selfhost Discord bot that deletes server messages older than a configurable TTL (time to live)
MIT License
34 stars 5 forks source link

Add README, setup, and update scripts :D #3

Closed ayubun closed 1 year ago

ayubun commented 1 year ago

Initially, I was going to make this PR encapsulate slash commands and an SQLite DB to support Discord TTL instances running well on multiple servers with different TTLs, but I got pretty sidetracked by my bash adventures and simply made a README, Setup script, and updater script :)

I think this is okay! If people use this release, they will automatically get those future features I was talking about where slash commands get registered, so.. yay! I'm gonna merge this PR without many actual code changes (just CI/CD changes) because it's still a milestone marker for me and it needs a v1 😂

ayubun commented 1 year ago

just to thought-spill into public space, i think i'm gonna go with an updater that runs docker-compose pull and docker-compose up -d, which should restart anything that changed while also not obnoxiously restarting when there are no changes. i'll still need to have the updater check for a new install script though to be able to update things like the docker-compose.yaml. not sure yet how i'll do this.

another thing i still need to consider is breaking changes. i'm thinking that pinning onto the major version is gonna be better than pinning on latest, so that people don't unexpectedly have their TTL go offline. this comes at the cost of people likely being on older versions as time passes, but i think it'll be fine.

one laaaast thing that i need to figure out is a good user-friendly way people can specify the TTL version they want to run