ayufan-pine64 / android-7.0

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load screen ( 4 moving ring ) everytime after reboot in 720p (uenv.txt edit) #15

Closed drindrin4 closed 7 years ago

drindrin4 commented 7 years ago

one times work in 720p, after reboot permanent loading (4 cicling ring)

ayufan commented 7 years ago

Please attach UART log.

drindrin4 commented 7 years ago

uart pine not coonect to pc. how extract without uart?

ayufan commented 7 years ago

It's not possible. You have to connect UART to pine to read logs.

drindrin4 commented 7 years ago

sorry, i am try bye usb-uart. in monday push result

drindrin4 commented 7 years ago

[ 20.039589] [BT_LPM] bluesleep_start: bluesleep_acquire irq [ 20.039589] [ 20.053076] init: Starting service 'logd'... [ 20.064881] init: SELinux: Could not set context for /logger: Read-only file system [ 20.076168] init: (Loading properties from /system/build.prop took 0.00s.) [ 20.083867] init: (Loading properties from /vendor/build.prop took 0.00s.) [ 20.091488] init: (Loading properties from /factory/factory.prop took 0.00s.) [ 20.099695] init: /recovery not specified in fstab [ 20.105557] logd.auditd: start [ 20.106118] init: Starting service 'debuggerd'... [ 20.107232] init: Starting service 'debuggerd64'... [ 20.108327] init: Starting service 'vold'... [ 20.124859] logd.klogd: 10845668337 [ 20.129539] init: Not bootcharting. [ 20.823495] init: Starting service 'exec 2 (/system/bin/tzdatacheck)'... [ 20.847260] init: Service 'exec 2 (/system/bin/tzdatacheck)' (pid 1678) exited with status 0 [ 20.859558] init: property_set("ro.bt.bdaddr_path", "/data/misc/bluetooth/bdaddr") failed [ 25.798380] init: do_start: Service bootclone not found [ 25.804355] init: Starting service 'precopy'... [ 25.811037] init: (Loading properties from /data/local.prop took 0.00s.) [ 25.815371] type=1400 audit(1262304022.780:16): avc: denied { read } for pid=1680 comm="precopy.sh" path="/sbin/busybox" dev="rootfs" ino=4125 scontext=u:r:preinstall:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 25.816172] type=1400 audit(1262304022.780:17): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=1680 comm="precopy.sh" path="/data/system.notfirstrun.precopy" dev="mmcblk0p4" ino=57 scontext=u:r:preinstall:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 26.052068] init: Service 'precopy' (pid 1680) exited with status 0 [ 26.059507] init: Starting service 'logd-reinit'... [ 26.070981] init: Starting service 'healthd'... [ 26.076782] init: cannot find '/system/bin/tee_supplicant' (No such file or directory), disabling 'optee' [ 26.079694] binder: 1682:1682 transaction failed 29189, size 0-0 [ 26.081460] logd.daemon: reinit [ 26.097450] init: Starting service 'watchdogd'... [ 26.103994] init: Starting service 'lmkd'... [ 26.105742] watchdogd: started (interval 60, margin 20)! [ 26.105817] watchdogd: Failed to open /dev/watchdog: No such file or directory [ 26.123834] init: Starting service 'servicemanager'... [ 26.130772] init: Starting service 'surfaceflinger'... [ 26.137248] init: couldn't write 1686 to /sys/fs/cgroup/stune/foreground/tasks: No such file or directory [ 26.137397] init: Service 'logd-reinit' (pid 1681) exited with status 0 [ 26.137543] init: Service 'watchdogd' (pid 1683) exited with status 1 [ 26.140179] init: Starting service 'exec 3 (/sbin/busybox)'... [ 26.168765] type=1400 audit(1262304023.120:18): avc: denied { transition } for pid=1687 comm="init" path="/sbin/busybox" dev="rootfs" ino=4125 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:su:s0 tclass=process permissive=1 [ 26.190494] type=1400 audit(1262304023.120:19): avc: denied { rlimitinh } for pid=1687 comm="busybox" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:su:s0 tclass=process permissive=1 [ 26.207416] type=1400 audit(1262304023.120:20): avc: denied { siginh } for pid=1687 comm="busybox" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:su:s0 tclass=process permissive=1 [ 26.228122] type=1400 audit(1262304023.120:21): avc: denied { noatsecure } for pid=1687 comm="busybox" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:su:s0 tclass=process permissive=1 [ 26.246557] init: Service 'exec 3 (/sbin/busybox)' (pid 1687) exited with status 0 [ 26.255007] init: Starting service 'exec 4 (/sbin/busybox)'... [ 26.264956] init: Service 'exec 4 (/sbin/busybox)' (pid 1690) exited with status 2 [ 26.284649] init: Service zygote does not have a SELinux domain defined. [ 26.292707] init: Starting service 'zygote_secondary'... [ 26.303322] type=1400 audit(1262304023.280:22): avc: denied { write } for pid=1 comm="init" name="tracing_on" dev="debugfs" ino=177 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 26.304042] init: Starting service 'console'... [ 26.305055] init: Starting service 'exec 5 (/system/bin/ifconfig)'... tulip-chiphd:/ # [ 26.566486] [DISP] disp_ioctl,line:1612:para err in disp_ioctl, cmd = 0xb,screen id = 0 [ 26.584580] type=1400 audit(1262304023.560:23): avc: denied { write } for pid=1686 comm="surfaceflinger" name="trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 26.607795] type=1400 audit(1262304023.560:24): avc: denied { open } for pid=1686 comm="surfaceflinger" path="/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 26.636424] libphy: 1c30000.eth: probed [ 26.638508] init: Starting service 'bootanim'... [ 26.682830] sunxi-gmac 1c30000.eth eth0: eth0: PHY ID 001cc915 at 0 IRQ poll (1c30000.eth-0:00) [ 26.705948] init: Service 'exec 5 (/system/bin/ifconfig)' (pid 1695) exited with status 0 [ 26.715637] init: Starting service 'exec 6 (/system/bin/ethtool)'... [ 27.029636] init: Service 'exec 6 (/system/bin/ethtool)' (pid 1723) exited with status 0 [ 27.038882] init: cannot find '/system/bin/update_verifier' (No such file or directory), disabling 'exec 7 (/system/bin/update_verifier)' [ 27.053445] init: Service flash_recovery does not have a SELinux domain defined. [ 27.062353] init: Service zygote does not have a SELinux domain defined. [ 27.066447] healthd: BatteryFullChargePath not found [ 27.066461] healthd: BatteryCycleCountPath not found [ 27.081618] init: Starting service 'audioserver'... [ 27.088226] init: Starting service 'cameraserver'... [ 27.095340] init: Starting service 'drm'... [ 27.101168] init: Starting service 'installd'... [ 27.107935] init: Starting service 'keystore'... [ 27.114208] init: Starting service 'mediacodec'... [ 27.121130] init: Starting service 'mediadrm'... [ 27.127994] init: Starting service 'mediaextractor'... [ 27.134854] init: Starting service 'media'... [ 27.141394] init: Starting service 'netd'... [ 27.147315] init: Starting service 'ril-daemon'... [ 27.153859] init: Starting service 'gatekeeperd'... [ 27.161027] init: Starting service 'perfprofd'... [ 27.180859] init: Starting service 'exec 8 (/system/bin/ifconfig)'... [ 27.206513] init: Service 'exec 8 (/system/bin/ifconfig)' (pid 1766) exited with status 0 [ 27.215637] init: Starting service 'exec 9 (/system/bin/ethtool)'... [ 27.235642] init: Service 'exec 9 (/system/bin/ethtool)' (pid 1769) exited with status 0 [ 27.247269] init: Starting service 'exec 10 (/system/bin/ifconfig)'... [ 27.272563] init: Service 'exec 10 (/system/bin/ifconfig)' (pid 1772) exited with status 0 [ 27.281818] init: Starting service 'exec 11 (/system/bin/ethtool)'... [ 27.301122] init: Service 'exec 11 (/system/bin/ethtool)' (pid 1775) exited with status 0 [ 27.310716] android_usb: already disabled [ 27.315586] init: Starting service 'adbd'... [ 27.325795] adb_open [ 27.328194] mtp_bind_config [ 27.331246] gadget_is_softwinner_otg is not -int [ 27.336759] gadget_is_softwinner_otg is not -int [ 27.341839] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b281b8, ep1in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce840) [ 27.351938] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b281b8, ep1in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce7c0) [ 27.362425] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b281b8, ep1in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce740) [ 27.372876] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b281b8, ep1in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce6c0) [ 27.382983] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28238, ep1out-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce640) [ 27.393518] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28238, ep1out-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce5c0) [ 27.404051] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28438, ep4-int, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce540) [ 27.413865] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28438, ep4-int, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce4c0) [ 27.424030] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28438, ep4-int, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce440) [ 27.433840] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28438, ep4-int, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce3c0) [ 27.443977] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28438, ep4-int, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce340) [ 27.454120] adb_bind_config [ 27.457173] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b28338, ep2out-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce2c0) [ 27.467730] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b282b8, ep2in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce240) [ 27.477862] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b282b8, ep2in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce1c0) [ 27.488320] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b282b8, ep2in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce140) [ 27.498453] [sw_udc]: alloc request: ep(0xffffffc000b282b8, ep2in-bulk, 512), req(0xffffffc03b2ce0c0) [ 27.508919] [sw_udc]: sunxi_udc_pullup, is_on = 1 [ 27.514071] [sw_udc]: sunxi_udc_set_pullup_2337: usb device is not active [ 29.351197] type=1400 audit(1262304026.380:25): avc: denied { write } for pid=1923 comm="AudioOut_D" name="trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 29.375249] type=1400 audit(1262304026.380:26): avc: denied { open } for pid=1923 comm="AudioOut_D" path="/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 29.634786] libphy: 1c30000.eth-0:00 - Link is Up - 1000/Full [ 30.033095] type=1400 audit(1262304027.070:27): avc: denied { write } for pid=1971 comm="BootAnimation" name="trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:bootanim:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 30.066381] type=1400 audit(1262304027.070:28): avc: denied { open } for pid=1971 comm="BootAnimation" path="/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:bootanim:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 31.684653] type=1400 audit(1262304028.750:29): avc: denied { write } for pid=1748 comm="cameraserver" name="trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:cameraserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 31.708196] type=1400 audit(1262304028.750:30): avc: denied { open } for pid=1748 comm="cameraserver" path="/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:cameraserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 31.836912] type=1400 audit(1262304028.900:31): avc: denied { write } for pid=1691 comm="zygote" name="trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 31.859586] type=1400 audit(1262304028.900:32): avc: denied { open } for pid=1691 comm="zygote" path="/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=174 scontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 [ 32.097737] alloc_contig_range test_pages_isolated(60077, 603fb) failed [ 37.157327] warning: `main' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) [ 86.105801] healthd: battery none chg=a [ 95.464223] hdmi_clk_disable_prepare()L196 [ 111.119637] hdmi_clk_enable_prepare()L181 [ 133.746279] nf_conntrack: automatic helper assignment is deprecated and it will be removed soon. Use the iptables CT target to attach helpers instead. [ 145.145693] healthd: battery none chg=a [ 150.560967] qtaguid: iface_stat: stat_update() eth0 not found

drindrin4 commented 7 years ago

1.9 work fine.