ayufan / camera-streamer

High-performance low-latency camera streamer for Raspberry PI's
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tools/libcamera_camera.sh returns with libcamera is not supported #105

Closed Dephrilibrium closed 9 months ago

Dephrilibrium commented 9 months ago


I'm currently searching for any working solution which makes a http-camera-stream based on libcamera available to use it by octoprint/haproxy. camera-streamer seems for now to be the best solution as it is at least compilable. I checked the docs a bit out, and eded up that there is an easy to use libcamera-script within the tools folder, but when I run it, the script returns:

~/camera-streamer $ ./tools/libcamera_camera.sh 
++ nproc
+ make -j4
echo "#define GIT_VERSION \"v0.2.6\"\n#define GIT_REVISION \"ff539cd\"" > version.h.tmp; \
        diff -u version.h version.h.tmp || mv version.h.tmp version.h; \
        rm -f version.h.tmp
make camera-streamer
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/haum/camera-streamer'
make[1]: 'camera-streamer' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/haum/camera-streamer'
+ ./camera-streamer --http-listen= --http-port=8080 --camera-type=libcamera --camera-format=YUYV
./camera-streamer Version: v0.2.6 (ff539cd)
util/http/http.c: ?: HTTP listening on
device/libcamera/libcamera.cc: ?: libcamera is not supported

Since the output does not tell my actually what's exactly the problem, I hope someone here does.

Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention the specs:

Kind regards, Deph

JoelBecker1998 commented 9 months ago

You have Bullseye correct? can you try libcamera-hello and post the output? did you compile manually and did you do all of the bellow?

git clone https://github.com/ayufan-research/camera-streamer.git --recursive
apt-get -y install libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libcamera-dev liblivemedia-dev v4l-utils pkg-config xxd build-essential cmake libssl-dev

cd camera-streamer/
sudo make install
Dephrilibrium commented 9 months ago

Yes, all libcamera-tools work as estimated. But nevermind, until there is any working project for the libcam-stack I use the sloppy way and enabled the legacy camera-stack to use again mjpg-streamer.

But thanks for your help.

mryel00 commented 8 months ago

@Dephrilibrium I just came around the same issue as you. It turned out I used the wrong precompiled version. That error appears as soon as you are using a generic build instead of a raspi build.

But nevermind, until there is any working project for the libcam-stack

I hate to post other projects inside a foreign repo but there are other working options out there like ustreamer with libcamerify (libcamerify comes with libcamera-tools) and spyglass (still missing camera controls and highly focused on the module v3).

But camera-streamer is definitely the best option I currently know, if you want a powerhouse with a lot of features. Also it was one of the first, if not even the first one inside this field.

Delivator commented 4 months ago

@mryel00 thank you!! looks like the little install script from the release page installed the generic version instead of the raspi version.