ayufan / camera-streamer

High-performance low-latency camera streamer for Raspberry PI's
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Raspberry Pi Camera v1.3 #135

Open Bersaker opened 9 months ago

Bersaker commented 9 months ago

Hi. I Have all tested.. but nothing works. is the raspberry pi v1.3 5M supported?

Riconec commented 9 months ago

I got it working on bullseye, on bookworm it was working in libcamera but no signal in the camera-streamer

whycao commented 6 months ago

Same issue.

I'm using zero 2w with a V1 Pi camera, OctoPrint version: 1.10.1.

Currently, the only way is by using http://pizero.local/webcam/control to start streaming. However, pizero.local/:8080/stream can't reach. From the browser dev tool I found pizero.local/webcam/stream?_cb=1716623** is working

I tried on Pi5 fresh install and edit the service file to camera-streamer-raspi-v1-5MP.service Unlucky not working.

[Unit] Description=camera-streamer web camera for Pi Camera v1.3 5MP on Raspberry PI After=network.target ConditionPathExists=/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/ov5647/6-0036/video4linux

[Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/camera-streamer \ -camera-path=/base/axi/pcie@120000/rp1/i2c@88000/ov5647@36 \ -camera-type=libcamera \ -camera-format=YUYV \ -camera-width=2592 -camera-height=1944 \ -camera-fps=30 \ ; use two memory buffers to optimise usage -camera-nbufs=2 \ ; the snapshot is 1438x1080 -camera-snapshot.height=1080 \ ; the video/webrtc is 958x720 -camera-video.height=720 \ ; the stream is 639x480 -camera-stream.height=480 \ ; bump brightness slightly -camera-options=brightness=0.1 \ --http-listen= \ --http-port=8080 \ -rtsp-port

DynamicUser=yes SupplementaryGroups=video i2c Restart=always RestartSec=10 Nice=10 IOSchedulingClass=idle IOSchedulingPriority=7 CPUWeight=20 AllowedCPUs=1-2 MemoryMax=250M

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

kingtat commented 5 months ago

I also have a v1.3 camera working. RPi B+ v1 debian bullseye. Fortunately, I used the bullseye rpi image. Only because bookworm is not available for the early pi.