ayufan / steam-deck-tools

(Windows) Steam Deck Tools - Fan, Overlay, Power Control and Steam Controller for Windows
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Double Input with SDL 2.29.1 + due to native controller detection #177

Open bjaudon opened 4 months ago

bjaudon commented 4 months ago

I had originally opened an issue with Chiaki4Deck on Windows due to detection of the steam native controller and Steam Deck Tool's XBOX emulated controller causing double input (https://github.com/streetpea/chiaki4deck/issues/293). This is found to be due to an update of SDL 2.29.1+ now detecting both controllers. Is there a way to hide detection of the steam native controller with steam deck tools? If any application updates their SDL version (perhaps including Retroarch) this will likely cause more conflicts for those applications.


bjaudon commented 4 months ago

As a workaround I've used HidHide to hide the Valve Steam deck controller and added an exception for the steamdecktools applications to see through the cloak.