ayushanand18 / PyEarthData

Python Package for grabbing Earth surface and atmospheric data.
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link

tools and other info #2

Closed ayushanand18 closed 1 year ago

ayushanand18 commented 1 year ago

Tools That can be used

ayushanand18 commented 1 year ago

Ideas for Visualization

ayushanand18 commented 1 year ago

The region of interest

POLYGON ((17.4024 -42.7827, 
    18.1055 -56.2070, 
    45.2930 -56.0765, 
    43.7695 -43.3815, 
    17.4024 -42.7827))

for querying on NCEI, use:

17.402        45.293
ayushanand18 commented 1 year ago

The data

ayushanand18 commented 1 year ago

The species of interest