ayushgaud / path_planning

Quadcopter path planning using RRT* and minimum jerk trajectory generation
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Problem by running the code #4

Open XiangmingHao opened 6 years ago

XiangmingHao commented 6 years ago

Hi Ayushgaud,

thank you for your awesome work. I had some problem by running the code. The catkin_make is successful. When I use "rosrun ...." to start the planning there is only Ompl-version showed in the terminal. image I have read the issue. But I still can't figure out how to run the code properly. Can you tell me what should I do to make it works? Thank you so much!

best regards Xiangming

ayushgaud commented 6 years ago

Hi Xiangming I am glad to know that you are finding it useful. Current implementation subscribes to the odometry topic from to drone to take the start pose. You can provide the goal point either by publishing to /clickedPoint topic or using Rviz. You will also have to run the octomap server to provide the map to the planner. In my case, for simulation, I am using RotorS simulator with a stereo camera to do the mapping first and then giving the goal points. You can also use a preexisting octomap file and publish it using the octomap server node. The code publishes markers for visualization and also sends commands to the drone as soon as a plan is generated (if using RotorS). You may remap the topics according to your use.

Regards Ayush

XiangmingHao commented 6 years ago

Hi Ayush,

thank you for explanation! I have found that, in your cmakelist you use find_package{} for "Octomap" two times. One for a stand-alone octomap, one for octomap in ROS. If I want to publish a Octomap using octomap-server, with one should I use?

One more question, if I just want to set start point manually, shall I just ignore this odometry topic and subscribe another topic which publish some specific point?

Thank you! Sorry for so much questions, I'm really new to this area.

best regards Xiangming

ayushgaud commented 6 years ago

Hi Xiangming

You should use octomap_server which will run as a standalone node subscribing to your pointcloud data and will publish the octomap. You will find the instructions here

You can replace the odometry subscriber by the message type you prefer. It should just contain the pose information of your drone. It can also be similar to the goal point subscriber.

If you have any further questions, I would be glad to answer them.


XiangmingHao commented 6 years ago

Hi Ayush

Thanks for your reply. So far your code works good with a already existed Octomap. Have you ever tried ompl.app? It is a GUI that can loads 3D environments and robots. Is that possible for Ompl do the same things?


Robinaoko commented 4 years ago

Hello, I want to ask how to ignore the odometry topic and set the starting point?