ayushsharma82 / WebSerial

A remote terminal library for wireless microcontrollers to log, monitor or debug your firmware/product
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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How do you encode your webpage? #2

Closed rainG92 closed 4 years ago

rainG92 commented 4 years ago

I am new to esp8266, just a free time hobby. I wanted to create a webserial for a network of devices and i succeeded using the native library provided. I wish to add some customization to the webpage if possible to better control devices on the network.

I have done some researches before i decided to ask. I believe webpage is stored const uint8_t WEBSERIAL_HTML[] PROGMEM and const uint32_t WEBSERIAL_HTML_SIZE is the arraysize of WEBSERIAL_HTML.

My hypothesis: 1.Gzip the html file 2.Run it through some file to hex converter. 3.Run it through some hex to uint8 converter.

I guess my method is somewhat flaws, i can't seem to make it work. Mind teach me how you encoded yours? It is interesting to know. A step by step guide is appreciated. I tried for days to figure out how you encoded yours. Hope to hear from you, Its fine if this somewhat violate your IP on your works.

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ayushsharma82 commented 4 years ago

Hi, You can create your own webpage and convert it into a HEX array with this utility: https://ayushsharma82.github.io/file2raw

rainG92 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the wonderful tool.

ShyamBhattacharyya commented 1 year ago

Error 404: Site is not found on https://ayushsharma82.github.io/file2raw Can you tell us how to do it?

ayushsharma82 commented 1 year ago

It is now hosted on https://file2raw.labrat.one

Best Regards, Ayush Sharma

On Thu, 18 May 2023 at 9:50 PM, Shyam Bhattacharyya < @.***> wrote:

Error 404: Site is not found on https://ayushsharma82.github.io/file2raw Can you tell us how to do it?

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ShyamBhattacharyya commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your prompt reply and the link. I really appreciate your hard work.