ayushsharma82 / WebSerial

A remote terminal library for wireless microcontrollers to log, monitor or debug your firmware/product
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Send message via URL #32

Closed galtamur closed 2 years ago

galtamur commented 3 years ago

Hello, I would like to send a message to the ESP32 by composing a URL, like /webserial/message= Is it possible anyhow? Thank you, GA

ayushsharma82 commented 3 years ago

Oh sorry, I didn't read your message carefully the first time.

No, it's not possible to send a message via a query in URL.

rkuo2000 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I would like to send a message to the ESP32 by composing a URL, like /webserial/message= Is it possible anyhow? Thank you, GA

You can /get?message="your_message" using my arduino examples below :

Arduino example code: ESP32_WebSerial.ino, ESP8266_WebSerial.ino

Python sample codes: sendHTTPget.py, sendHTTPpost.py