ayushtewari / DFM

Implementation of "Diffusion with Forward Models: Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems Without Direct Supervision"
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missing pose file #9

Open ShengyuH opened 8 months ago

ShengyuH commented 8 months ago


Thanks for releasing this great work. I am working on reproducing the results on RealEstate10k dataset and met two problems:

Best, Shengyu

ShengyuH commented 8 months ago

hmmm, sorry it seems to be a weird bug from my side, now I can find test split as well, though pose file is still missing. Can you share your script?

1ssb commented 8 months ago

It's in the Real Estate dataset in the link.

tedyhabtegebrial commented 8 months ago

@1ssb Could you please let me know where is the .mat files are ? I can not find them on the realestate10k link. The train/val poses are available in text format, but I am not sure if the mat files have been further processed or they are just copies.

1ssb commented 7 months ago

Hi, sorry for the delay, it is in the other repository where it takes you to download the RealEstate data. Its hidden in a link, you will have to check all the links, I do not remember which link it was. I have requested the authors to simply upload the files here as well.

Yuki-11 commented 7 months ago

I am also facing the problem of missing mat files and would very much like to see this problem resolved.

thucz commented 7 months ago

How does this problem

Hi, sorry for the delay, it is in the other repository where it takes you to download the RealEstate data. Its hidden in a link, you will have to check all the links, I do not remember which link it was. I have requested the authors to simply upload the files here as well.

Hello! Have you uploaded the train.mat pose file? Or do you remember the download link now?

tedyhabtegebrial commented 7 months ago

Hi you can use these poses. I got it from the author of the cross attention render repository. Find training poses at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/74cplj898b1r6zuqsojob/realestate_train.mat?rlkey=udm1p5fildr21odk38yjlis4a&dl=0 and test poses at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4crmo6w2dck3e2dg7e062/realestate_test.mat?rlkey=1zbasxxfgtksgb08pxizuffcp&dl=0

thucz commented 7 months ago

Hi you can use these poses. I got it from the author of the cross attention render repository. Find training poses at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/74cplj898b1r6zuqsojob/realestate_train.mat?rlkey=udm1p5fildr21odk38yjlis4a&dl=0 and test poses at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4crmo6w2dck3e2dg7e062/realestate_test.mat?rlkey=1zbasxxfgtksgb08pxizuffcp&dl=0
