Create the Wireframes for the Blog Pages. Make sure to include the header and footer.
For now, this can be black and white while we figure out the color scheme.
Page 1: Blog Home - have a list of the articles in big cards in chronological order. In the future we may add category options. Could also add in sorting feature for newest-oldest, oldest-newest.
Page 2: Individual blog post page - Will have the header of the post, date, author, article with any images if desired. At the bottom of the page, a place to link related or similar stories to suggest next, then we could have a comments section.
Acceptance Criteria
Upload finished wireframes for the design and functionality.
Follow on stories for the remaining topics/pages based on [LL0 Identify Topics and Organizational Tree]
Situation Create the Wireframes for the Blog Pages. Make sure to include the header and footer. For now, this can be black and white while we figure out the color scheme.
Page 1: Blog Home - have a list of the articles in big cards in chronological order. In the future we may add category options. Could also add in sorting feature for newest-oldest, oldest-newest.
Page 2: Individual blog post page - Will have the header of the post, date, author, article with any images if desired. At the bottom of the page, a place to link related or similar stories to suggest next, then we could have a comments section.
Acceptance Criteria Upload finished wireframes for the design and functionality.
Notes Follow on stories for the remaining topics/pages based on [LL0 Identify Topics and Organizational Tree]