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Integration of Profiles API with "Person" Content Type #3768

Open danahertzberg opened 1 month ago

danahertzberg commented 1 month ago

User Storys

As a faculty member, I'd like to update my profile in one location and have it populate on all websites that pull in my information.

As a content admin, I'd like to give faculty the ability to update their own profile content without the need to go through me for my specific website.


Objective: Integrate the Profiles API to streamline data for faculty profiles, ensuring consistency, and making updates efficient.

Scope: The integration will occur in multiple phases to ensure a smooth transition and add enhanced features step-by-step.


Phase 1: Importing Data for individual Profiles that Maps to Existing Fields

Phase 2: EDS/Grouper Integration

Phase 3: Adding Experience Section

Phase 4: Teaching/Courses Section

Phase 5: Research/Publications Section

Other Considerations

camikazegreen commented 3 days ago

Update from Robbie MacPherson:

I met with Dr. Romero to discuss Phase I and the project in full.

Regarding, “Phase 1: Importing Data for individual Profiles that Maps to Existing Fields, she approves your use of any of the publicly displayed information in UA Profiles.

However, regarding Phase 5, allowing data imported from UA Profiles to be edited in local sites, she does not want to allow edits or changes to imported UA Profiles data, or faculty titles. There has been a lot of work put in to ensure faculty titles display in the proper order, and accurately reflect positions, rank, and track.

As we discussed, if faculty want to update profile information that originates from UA Profiles, they should be directed back to the system of record. This includes Annual Profile, UAccess Employee and UAccess Student. For example, if faculty need to edit their publications or biographies, they should be directed back to Annual Profile. For employee record changes, such as the phone number or campus address: UAccess Employee, course information: UAccess Student. This will not only maintain alignment with the systems of record (aka sources of truth) but will also help ease the support burden.

Regarding support burden, colleges using imported profile information should have a website function for contacting local support. This has been experienced, where we have had to troubleshoot all the way back to finding a particular support person at a college and alerting them. As you can imagine tracking this down wasn’t easy with turnover/anonymity and took away time from other priorities for my team.

If you have any follow up questions, please feel free to include Dr. Romero for discussion.