azat-io / eslint-plugin-perfectionist

☂️ ESLint plugin for sorting various data such as objects, imports, types, enums, JSX props, etc.
MIT License
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Bug: Unexpected (non-rule-related) replacements #158

Closed OlivierZal closed 2 months ago

OlivierZal commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

Hi @azat-io,

Autofix leads to unexpected code replacements, which does not seem directly related to configured rules.

3 video examples:

Code example

See attached videos + the branch I've created for debug:

Eslint config: I use the recommended-natural config with the custom following:

'perfectionist/sort-classes': 'off',
'perfectionist/sort-interfaces': 'off',
'perfectionist/sort-intersection-types': 'off',
'perfectionist/sort-object-types': 'off',
'perfectionist/sort-union-types': 'off',
'sort-imports': 'off',
'sort-keys': 'off',

Here's the full config:

import eslint from '@eslint/js'
// @ts-expect-error: untyped module
import stylistic from '@stylistic/eslint-plugin'
import prettier from 'eslint-config-prettier'
import importPlugin from 'eslint-plugin-import'
import jsdoc from 'eslint-plugin-jsdoc'
import perfectionist from 'eslint-plugin-perfectionist/configs/recommended-natural'
import tsEslint from 'typescript-eslint'

export default tsEslint.config(
    ignores: ['dist/'],
    extends: [
    languageOptions: {
      parserOptions: {
        project: 'tsconfig.json',
    linterOptions: {
      reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true,
    plugins: {
      // @ts-expect-error: incorrect type
      '@stylistic': stylistic,
      import: importPlugin,
    rules: {
      // ...importPlugin.configs.recommended.rules,
      '@stylistic/lines-between-class-members': ['error', 'always'],
      '@stylistic/spaced-comment': [
          block: {
            balanced: true,
            exceptions: ['*'],
            markers: ['!'],
          line: {
            exceptions: ['/', '#'],
            markers: ['/'],
      '@typescript-eslint/member-ordering': [
          default: {
            memberTypes: [
              // Index signature

              // Fields








              // Static initialization

              // Constructors

              // Getters and setters
              ['public-static-get', 'public-static-set'],
              ['protected-static-get', 'protected-static-set'],
              ['private-static-get', 'private-static-set'],
              ['#private-static-get', '#private-static-set'],

              ['public-decorated-get', 'public-decorated-set'],
              ['protected-decorated-get', 'protected-decorated-set'],
              ['private-decorated-get', 'private-decorated-set'],

              ['public-instance-get', 'public-instance-set'],
              ['protected-instance-get', 'protected-instance-set'],
              ['private-instance-get', 'private-instance-set'],
              ['#private-instance-get', '#private-instance-set'],

              ['public-abstract-get', 'public-abstract-set'],
              ['protected-abstract-get', 'protected-abstract-set'],

              ['public-get', 'public-set'],
              ['protected-get', 'protected-set'],
              ['private-get', 'private-set'],
              ['#private-get', '#private-set'],

              ['static-get', 'static-set'],
              ['instance-get', 'instance-set'],
              ['abstract-get', 'abstract-set'],

              ['decorated-get', 'decorated-set'],

              ['get', 'set'],

              // Methods
            optionalityOrder: 'optional-first',
            order: 'natural',
      '@typescript-eslint/naming-convention': [
          filter: {
            match: true,
            regex: '^(Ata|Atw|Erv)$',
          format: null,
          selector: 'enumMember',
          format: ['snake_case'],
          selector: 'enumMember',
          format: ['camelCase', 'PascalCase', 'snake_case'],
          selector: ['objectLiteralProperty', 'typeProperty'],
          format: ['camelCase', 'PascalCase'],
          selector: 'import',
          format: ['PascalCase'],
          prefix: ['can', 'did', 'has', 'is', 'should', 'will'],
          selector: 'variable',
          types: ['boolean'],
          format: ['camelCase'],
          modifiers: ['global'],
          selector: 'variable',
          types: ['function'],
          format: ['camelCase', 'UPPER_CASE'],
          modifiers: ['global'],
          selector: 'variable',
          format: ['PascalCase'],
          selector: 'typeLike',
          format: ['camelCase'],
          leadingUnderscore: 'allow',
          selector: 'default',
      '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': [
          ignoreRestArgs: true,
      '@typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers': [
          ignoreEnums: true,
      '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [
          argsIgnorePattern: '^_',
          caughtErrorsIgnorePattern: '^_',
      '@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly-parameter-types': 'off',
      camelcase: 'off',
      'import/no-duplicates': [
          'prefer-inline': true,
      'max-lines': 'off',
      'no-bitwise': 'off',
      'no-empty': [
          allowEmptyCatch: true,
      'no-ternary': 'off',
      'one-var': ['error', 'never'],
      'perfectionist/sort-classes': 'off',
      'perfectionist/sort-interfaces': 'off',
      'perfectionist/sort-intersection-types': 'off',
      'perfectionist/sort-object-types': 'off',
      'perfectionist/sort-union-types': 'off',
      'sort-imports': 'off',
      'sort-keys': 'off',
    settings: {
      'import/resolver': {
        typescript: {
          alwaysTryTypes: true,
    files: ['**/*.mjs'],
    languageOptions: {
      parserOptions: {
        project: 'tsconfig.checkjs.json',

ESLint version


ESLint Plugin Perfectionist version


Additional comments

No response


azat-io commented 3 months ago

Hi. Thank you for your issue. Do you have the ability to create a small repository or example on Stackblitz to reproduce the problem?

OlivierZal commented 3 months ago

Isn't the dedicated branch I've created sufficient?

azat-io commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I'll try to fix the problem

azat-io commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your issue!

Looks like this bug was fixed in 8c35a7dfbe9b841f86f303c4e9fd4170b47c9c0b and released in v3.0.0.

If you'd like, you can support the release with a retweet:

OlivierZal commented 2 months ago

Hi @azat-io, thanks a lot, I confirm that now it works.

I don't have X but I'll try to promote your project in other ways 😀